Those were seriously great basses, but Fender won the popularity contest so early and so emphatically that the only basses that were able to edge into the market back then were the non-Fender-sounding, even ANTI-Fender-sounding ones: Rickenbacker and Alembic. For the obvious reasons, Warmoth HAS to be run as a popularity contest, otherwise they cease to exist.... their fancy-topped Strats and Teles were following a trend, and their diverser* basses like the "G" series and the Geckos followed the fancy-pants custom bass market. If my memory serves, all those Thunderbird and "SG" Gibson basses were sales disasters when they first came out, and they only started coming back in the second go-round.... so unless Guild 301's either start showing up all over TV, or you make them an offer for a few hundred, the wait may be a while. I wish I still had my old one.
*(this is most likely, not a real word)