
Gretsch Duo-Jet Body Styles


Hero Member
Hey Guys--

I'd like to see Warmoth add the Gretsch Duo-Jet body styles (both single and double cut) to the lineup. I don't see that this could be a challenge--the body style shares many similarities to the Les Paul, so it would only mean minor modification to an exising design. Plus, with Gretsch being owned by Fender, I think that Warmoth could get an official license from Fender, or modify the current one, and extend it to the Gretsch body styles.
That would be cool  :icon_thumright:

Might be worth noting that the body shapes Fender uses are not copyrighted, not so sure about Gretsch.
Graffiti62 said:
Hey Guys--

I'd like to see Warmoth add the Gretsch Duo-Jet body styles (both single and double cut) to the lineup. I don't see that this could be a challenge--the body style shares many similarities to the Les Paul, so it would only mean minor modification to an exising design. Plus, with Gretsch being owned by Fender, I think that Warmoth could get an official license from Fender and extend it to the Gretsch body styles.

So let's say a license is necessary.  That would no doubt cost $$$$.  In order to cover those costs, the Gretsch body styles would have to be sold at quite a premium.  How much more would you be willing to pay?  Still worth it to you?
Wyliee said:
Graffiti62 said:
Hey Guys--

I'd like to see Warmoth add the Gretsch Duo-Jet body styles (both single and double cut) to the lineup. I don't see that this could be a challenge--the body style shares many similarities to the Les Paul, so it would only mean minor modification to an exising design. Plus, with Gretsch being owned by Fender, I think that Warmoth could get an official license from Fender and extend it to the Gretsch body styles.

So let's say a license is necessary.  That would no doubt cost $$$$.  In order to cover those costs, the Gretsch body styles would have to be sold at quite a premium.  How much more would you be willing to pay?  Still worth it to you?

Define premium.. how much we talking? I'd like to make one in theory..
Hmmm.  are we talking about $100 over the cost of an LP?  or is it $500 over the cost of an LP?

the first would be fine.  The second would not be.  For me anyway
Wyliee said:
Graffiti62 said:
Hey Guys--

I'd like to see Warmoth add the Gretsch Duo-Jet body styles (both single and double cut) to the lineup. I don't see that this could be a challenge--the body style shares many similarities to the Les Paul, so it would only mean minor modification to an exising design. Plus, with Gretsch being owned by Fender, I think that Warmoth could get an official license from Fender and extend it to the Gretsch body styles.

So let's say a license is necessary.  That would no doubt cost $$$$.  In order to cover those costs, the Gretsch body styles would have to be sold at quite a premium.  How much more would you be willing to pay?  Still worth it to you?

You can't expect to recover those costs from the first pop. That would be silly to expect to do that. It takes money to make money. You can't expect instant return on expansion.
pabloman said:
Wyliee said:
Graffiti62 said:
Hey Guys--
I'd like to see Warmoth add the Gretsch Duo-Jet body styles (both single and double cut) to the lineup. I don't see that this could be a challenge--the body style shares many similarities to the Les Paul, so it would only mean minor modification to an exising design. Plus, with Gretsch being owned by Fender, I think that Warmoth could get an official license from Fender and extend it to the Gretsch body styles.

So let's say a license is necessary.  That would no doubt cost $$$$.  In order to cover those costs, the Gretsch body styles would have to be sold at quite a premium.  How much more would you be willing to pay?  Still worth it to you?

You can't expect to recover those costs from the first pop. That would be silly to expect to do that. It takes money to make money. You can't expect instant return on expansion.

You have to look at your ROI.  How long does it take to make your investment back? Years? Not going to happen.  Recognize that licensing has to be renewed, so there are ongoing licensing costs.  How many Gretsch style bodies would be sold?  I wouldn't be surprised if thoses costs added hundreds to the body price.  In short, greater costs to produce plus low demand equal higher prices.  Sorry!
I think the Y2K "Dynasonic" and the "FilterTron" pickups had more to do with the Duo-Jet's sound than the body style, though aren't the Gretsch's thin too? Like 1.5"?  And/or the funky, unstable construction... old Gretsch's are rare because they fell apart so easily, not because there weren't a lot made! :laughing7: If you wanna see a guitar repairman make a weird face, pull out an old Gretsch. :help:

Those Dynasonic DeArmond pickups are some hummy fellows, but nothing else does what they do - sort of like P-90's. They have a huge upper-midrange peak, right where it can sound really good, around 2,200 Hz.
Personally, its not an issue of how thick/thin the bodies are--the honesty of it is simply just loving the shape that a Duo-Jet has, especially the '62 model.
i'm still pulling for another big bodied ES-style guitar. carved top would be nice, but a flat top option would be great too. can't say i'd jump at the duo jet, but more options are always a good thing!
JaySwear said:
i'm still pulling for another big bodied ES-style guitar. carved top would be nice, but a flat top option would be great too. can't say i'd jump at the duo jet, but more options are always a good thing!

I think we should try to spread the news. Facebook page, signatures, thread hijacking (in process), we could annoy warmoth into an ES. I love their L5S, but where's the double cut?
I'll bet if you send them $500, they'll cut any darn thing you please. And if enough of you guys send them $500, eventually they'll add an "ES" and I can buy it for $200.
Chop chop now, you're a-burnin' daylight.... :party07:
The othyer issue with Gretsch styled bodies is that Warmoth would have to have a long list of options available, and some of those routings might be unique to Gretsch styled bodies so that would bump the cost..

Sure as eggs the day that Warmoth offer a Duo Jet body, there'd be someone howling that they didn't offer in Dynasonic pickup rout or offer the unique Gretsch bridge routing and forced to go with a tune o matic instead. Also the dual toggle switch on the upper bout would require some re programming, if that was wanted, so too the master volume in the lower bout, and the alignment of three pot holes around the perimeter of the lower part of the body. Don't even think of asking about the Stereo White Falcon control and switching configuration!