
Great New tool to work on your guitar body..

And then it continues in either of two directions. One half builds his own version, uses it for a while before discovering that it has a number of serious shortcomings, and ends up buying the one from Stew Mac.
The other half buys the one from Stew Mac, uses it for a while before discovering that it has a number of serious shortcomings, and ends up building one himself.

Up to there it's still fairly amusing. Unfortunately, they then meet up on some board, the subject of tools pops up, they insult the fsck out of each other and then both quit the board. Or all others do.
You need to develop blurb blindness and just look at the product.
Being old & pathetic, I still (pathetically) yearn for the blurb-less days of yesteryear... umm, blurb-less years of yesterday.... umm, nevermind, wheres mah Metamucil? :cool01:

I'm really, really sure product reviews in magazines should be about a third as long as they are too, because the writers there also feel compelled to trip out really, really bad, just to fill up column inches. I remember when people told you what a product was, what it cost, where to get it.... :sad1: Oh well, as long as my meat's still scooped and spanky, and my cream has grit & crunch... oh wait that's the Metamucil.... :icon_scratch:
stubhead said:
You need to develop blurb blindness and just look at the product.
Being old & pathetic, I still (pathetically) yearn for the blurb-less days of yesteryear... umm, blurb-less years of yesterday.... umm, nevermind, wheres mah Metamucil? :cool01:

I'm really, really sure product reviews in magazines should be about a third as long as they are too, because the writers there also feel compelled to trip out really, really bad, just to fill up column inches. I remember when people told you what a product was, what it cost, where to get it.... :sad1: Oh well, as long as my meat's still scooped and spanky, and my cream has grit & crunch... oh wait that's the Metamucil.... :icon_scratch:

Mea Culpa. I'm one of those who roll out networks with insane bandwidths. A few years ago we would typically connect a customer site with a 64Kilobit leased line. Nowadays dual 34Megabit lines or 100Mbps Fast Ethernet is the norm. There is so much bandwidth available that there is a devaluation of meaningful content. If I send somebody an email asking how much some silly guitar part costs, I want a reply with just an amount. I dont need the complete catalog included as a 6MB attachment.

By the way, if you dislike blurb, how do you feel about the commercials where some company tells you how their only goal in life is defending your consumer interests against those who would shamelessly rob you, like, oh wonder, their closest competitor?
Blurbs, like most things in life (including war), can be used for good or bad.

Here's a perfect example of a blurb being used for bad:


Price is for a  Matched Pair


1950’s Mullard ECC82 / 12AU7 are the best 12AU7 variants we have. The BLACK SABLE treated version is unbelievable. With extended highs and an even smoother midrange, these are the tubes to get if you are looking for a soundstage you can almost swim in.

Notice the use of the term "soundstage" in the description... "Audiots" (as they are known) eat those terms up.  And this "soundstage" in particular apparently is akin to a swimming pool.

Also notice the "matched pair" statement.  Matching power tube pairs is a questionable science in and of itself (as far as the end result goes) - here we're talking about preamp tubes and matching - unheard of.

And of course, notice the price - $599.95

This ad for "Black Sable" (B.S.) brand "1950's" 12AU7 toooooobs is B.S. indeed.  Almost $600 for a pair of lower gain 12AX's that you could somewhere else for prolly $40-50 a pop.  Bad blurb... really really bad. 

(EDIT - I didn't even mention the cryogenics part...)