
Goton/Wilkinson VS100

I've never attempted, but they sure look close.
The Wilki seems to want more wood taken out.  here's the routing sizes for each from Warmoth's Bridge Routing page.

American Standard Fender tremolo:
Drilled for .375" (9.53 mm) diameter insert


Wilkinson tremolo (by Gotoh):
Drilled for .382" (9.70 mm) diameter insert

and here's what I found from another forum with the same question:
I can't speak for the newest American Standards, but on my 1997 American standard, a VS-100 WAS a drop-in replacement. I had to keep the original Fender studs in since the threading was different, but it aligned and intonated correctly. The only thing I had to do was lightly sand the edge of the treble side of the trem cavity, where the arm holder was rubbing.
Thanks.  I forget to ask about insert spacing, which would be a bigger deal to overcome.  Fortunately they're the same.  Thanks again.