
Gotoh/Grover tuner holes--What else works?


Hero Member
Hey Guys--

This past weekend, I finally received the parts back from my little brother after he re-wired my budget Squier project that I'm working on (pics coming soon). He had the neck and the body sitting at his house, and when I came down to visit for New Year's, I was able to bring everything back home with me. The first thing I did once I got back up to Green Bay was I planned on installing the tuners I had purchased. These were no-name sealed tuners that I spent a few bucks for on eBay that were built up to Gotoh specs. When i was tightening the tuners up to the head, I wound up snapping the collar that has the bolt head on it on two of them.

I have two choices in this situation:  buy another set of no-name cheapies and be more careful, or I can look at the alternatives for the bed I made for myself. Since the holes are drilled to Gotoh specs, I could go with Gotohs, or even feel ambitious enough, if I found a deal, to go with Grovers, even though the quality has become spotty as of late.

Do you guys have any other ideas on what else I could use in this situation?  I don't want to break the bank, but at this point, if the best piece of advice is buying something I've heard of, then I'm willing to go that route.

"When i was tightening the tuners up to the head, I wound up snapping the collar that has the bolt head on it on two of them."

What did you use to tighten them, an impact wrench? You could of course just order a set of Gotohs from Warmoth, shouldn't break the bank spending thirty bucks....
Yeah, the Gotohs from Warmoth are a great price. And definitely watch the torque there next time! They really don't have to be that tight, just snug.
I know, I know.....

You know, I've offered the advice on here that you have to go slow when you work on guitars. It just irritates me because I knew better, but I was in a hurry to get the tuners on. At least this mistake only cost me a couple of bucks, and I didn't do something stupid like chip up a flame maple top trying to do my own routing or anything like that.