
Got bored, so I strung together a bunch of first takes


Hero Member
Gear Used
1993 Ovation Celebrity CS 257 (all guitars, including bass)
a piece of velcro and my fingernail (hard left rhythm track)
the palms of my hands (hard right rhythm track)
fist bumping against my chest (for kick drum)
Boss BR-600 (all effects/mixing/mastering)
I sang all the vocal tracks

It's not a great recording by any stretch of the imagination, but it was a fun way to kill half an hour! :icon_biggrin:

Well the UW uploader is being a butt and won't let me host it here directly, but you can check it out on my Myspace.  It's the Johnny Cash song.


Ps. It loads quickly on my laptop, but takes a while on the desktop.  Not sure why, just giving you all a heads up in the very likely event that it doesn't start playing immediately after you click the little triangular play button.

that is REALLY cool! i've thought about doing something similar and recording a bunch of random stuff and making it into a song. don't really have the software to make it all fit together though :-\ awesome track!