
Good Reference post or Stickied posts


Hero Member
I think we'd all agree we have a good thing going here.  There's some great information.  Sometimes you have to dig for it though.  I'd like to get your input on how to better organize some of these threads and make the 'best of' more accessible.

Right now, we have:
- We have a Tips n Tricks section.  It is a little cluttered with questions in addition to general tips.
- A few of the forums have stickied posts at the top of the forum.

- Would you like to see the Tips n Tricks section cleaned out of general questions?  (ie. More tightly enforce it as a section for posting tips only.  Limit discussion directly to those tips.)
- Are there are threads you'd like to see stickied?  (My preference is for threads that stay well on topic in order to be stickied.)
- Would anyone be interested in writing or maintaining articles on various topics?  (ie. finishing, wiring, setups, bridges, etc....)  Remember, we work hard to stay mythology free.  If there are competing arguments or theories, present them both with pros/cons.  These could be posted in the Tips n Tricks section.  There are a few threads like this already.  Should they stay in their respective forums or moved to the Tips section?

Thanks everyone!
I despise sticky threads.
I never actually see them, because I'm used to always looking below them for threads. All they do is clutter up a forum.
Even the best threads can't hold a candle to a nice organized and edited article. That doesn't mean a great thread can't be condensed, folded spindled and mutilated into an article.
I'm with line6: I don't care for stickies either, and I think they are often overlooked and/or ignored. De-cluttering the Tips n' Tricks section (i.e., reserving it for tips and trips and flushing out the questions) isn't a bad idea thoough.

Straight-up articles could be a really cool idea too. There are a lot of people on here with a wealth of useful information tucked away in their noggins, and articles would be a great way to share that information. Not to be pretentious or bitchy, but I'll even offer my services as a revisor, to help ensure consistency between articles (and a minimum quality of English). I'll even use American spellings if you like.  :laughing7:
When starting a thread, there is the ability to use message icons.  Maybe we can have a moderator have a special icon only used by then to signify a thread that meets specific criteria for information that only they can add to an existing thread.  This icon would be a distinct color (i.e. red or yellow).  

just a brainstorming thought. :sign13:
I help to Admin or moderate a few sites

Sticky threads are a strong draw to traffic, most of those are some of the threads with the highest highest hit counts per week. And they drive traffic that way.

One of the reasons Warmoth has this forum for us, is they get business from it, Guys come here and decide to buy from Warmoth, and know they have a place to go to get guestions answered. Now they look at the stickies and can get answers without having to post them. That is a big draw as now they do not have to look like a rank beginner, something no one wants to be.

So, sticky threads are good for a forum, good for Warmoth, and good for us as a lot of repetitive questions do not get posted,

Now if you do not want to search past a bunch of threads for post that you have nor read, Look at the top of the page you are on, and just under your name is a line, "show unread post since your last visit"
click that and every post made since the last time you clicked it, that has not been read shows up, you read the ones you want and mark the rest as read.

I think the major topics have already been really well covered in various spots on the web. I mean, what more could one say about wiring? A set of organized links might be the best - frets.com for nuts, seymour duncan and axesrs for wiring, etc.. That guys' youtube essay series on assembling a warmoth ought to be useful to any newbs.
i have to agree with line6man. it's a good idea, but when you're trying to sort through a 50 page "wiring help" sticky to solve a specific problem it can get really annoying. i'm all for it being here if somebody's going to use it, but i know i won't.
submit a cleaned up post, based on a thread you link to for consideration for a sticky
I love the one in DIY finish, and it covers so much