
Good neck wood with 3-tone burst?



I'm replacing the neck on a Fender Japan JB62 reissue in three-tone sunburst with a red tortoise pickguard. I am trying to decide on the best neck wood for a good bright jazz bass tone (Looking for some real punchy Rush bass tones) which will also go with the aesthetics of the burst. I've had my heart set on bloodwood which should get close to that maple tone, but I don't know if I should do it for the board AND neck or swap out either for something like a wenge neck or ebony board. Has anyone tried to match the color combo of a three-tone burst with something like padouk or bloodwood and have any recommendations? Besides aesthetics, what do you think is the best wood combo for something that I'm looking for?

Thank you!
I don't have experience with either Bloodwood or Padouk with regard to a three color burst, but I do have a Canary/Ebony neck on my B-R-Y burst that looks amazing. The red streaks in the Canary really mix well with the red in the burst.

As far as tone goes, the Canary is very close to Maple with just a bit of a bump in the middle frequencies. Not enough to notice when in a mix, but if you listen you can hear a subtle difference. I think Bloodwood would give you a similar tone, if going by the Warmoth tone chart.