good body wood for ideal 7 string


i'm building a custom 7 string baritone body with the following neck wood

neck: flamed maple / wenge / bubinga / wenge / flamed maple
fretboard: pau ferro

I'm thinking of having a body wood combination of

flamed maple top on Ash or Alder.

I was also considering Australian Blackwood for the body as wel.

Which would bring out clarity in the low range and add a bit of compression to the high notes?

I think you'll find that the warmth clarity thing will be more pronounced by the body wood, but really most of what you are asking for will be addressed by pickups that do what you want.  Since the neck is going to be bright, I'd match it with a mahogany or korina body to bring some warm growl to the mix.  I got some pickups for my 7 from Troubled treble, and I really like them.  If you talk with him, he'll match you with what you want pretty well. 
