Just thought I'd share a soundcloud diddle. I swapped Power Tubes in the Morgan to 6V6s. This is just as the tubes are starting to break up. I'm literally reaching around twiddling knobs and stuff, so this isn't exactly musical. 1st 3rd or so is Neck, middle bit is middle pickup, last 45 seconds or so is Bridge. This is all one of those echo walking thingys ad-nauseum.
Chain is the strat above which has BKP Irish Tours -> TCE Flashback mini -> Morgan with a touch of internal spring reverb -> SM57 -> Mackie VLZ -> Lynx Aurora -> Cubase. Mild compression on the master as there were a few hot spots. The attack thump is much more pronounced/better than what I get on the recording. Still working on that. But, overall I'm liking this combination.