


Hero Member
they've worked amazingly well the past year, but now the strings just constantly go out of tune even when they are locked. I have no idea why! no matter how much to depress and retune it constantly goes out, its a pain in the arse!

anyone have any ideas as to why?  :sad1:
I hear that locking tuners stay in tune best when you tune sharp and then DOWN to pitch. I have no idea why, but it seems to be working for me so I'm not arguing with it.
rockskate4x said:
I hear that locking tuners stay in tune best when you tune sharp and then DOWN to pitch. I have no idea why, but it seems to be working for me so I'm not arguing with it.

man you are an actual genious, cheers!
rockskate4x said:
I hear that locking tuners stay in tune best when you tune sharp and then DOWN to pitch. I have no idea why, but it seems to be working for me so I'm not arguing with it.

That's funny; I've heard the exact opposite.  :icon_scratch:

To the OP: maybe your strings are just finished.  :icon_biggrin:
If you've used them for the past year without issue, I assume you know how to use them. But, I also don't know how often you change strings so I could be wrong.

The secret to any locking tuner is not wrapping the string around the peg. Too many wraps is usually what makes standard tuners misbehave. There's an inch or two of string that will unwind slightly if tension is released, as happens when the string is detuned during vibrato use. When tension is reapplied, the string doens't tighten back up to where it was in the first place. This is assuming you have a perfect nut, which isn't as common as it should be.

So, what you want to do is eliminate wrapping. Pull the string tight when you install it, then lock it in the tuner. Then, wind it up to tension until it's in tune and trim the excess string off before you take an eye out with it. You should never have more than a half-wrap of string on a peg, or you're going to have the same tuning inconsistencies that you had with the old kukka tuners.

trim the excess string off?
Ah, he's clearly young and stupid. One of these days he'll catch one of those strings in one of his eyes, then he'll be more inclined to stay off his lazy ass and finish what he started when he realized he needed some strings that weren't so kukka as to be biohazards <grin>
ErogenousJones said:
rockskate4x said:
I hear that locking tuners stay in tune best when you tune sharp and then DOWN to pitch. I have no idea why, but it seems to be working for me so I'm not arguing with it.

That's funny; I've heard the exact opposite.  :icon_scratch:

To the OP: maybe your strings are just finished.  :icon_biggrin:

That's what I heard too, but was promptly corrected that you tune up to pitch on nonlocking tuners and down to pitch on locking ones.
AutoBat said:
I hope 46 year old 148 IQ Harvard grad Tom Morello grows up and trims his strings!

I'm sure he will eventually. With that IQ he doesn't learn quite as fast as some of us do, but that doesn't make him stupid <grin>
To my knowledge, tuning issues rarely have anything to do with the tuner as much as they do the nut, and occasionally the bridge. If you're using locking tuners you should have virtually no excess string length wrapped around the tuner - less than one full turn for sure. If that's the case i can't imagine the tuners have anything to do with the strings going out of tune. Or at least if they do, I would like someone to explain mechanically how.
cheers for all your advice guys, i think its because the strings are a bit old, maybe like 3 or 4 months, the strings are a tiny bit over wound, and ive always tuned up to pitch, thats probably the reason to be honest! So a good combination of things, the nut is definitely not the issue, take my word for it! But yeah its a bit more stable now. Gonna get a fresh set of elixirs on the bitch and that should streighten her out.
elfro89 said:
cheers for all your advice guys, i think its because the strings are a bit old, maybe like 3 or 4 months, the strings are a tiny bit over wound, and ive always tuned up to pitch, thats probably the reason to be honest! So a good combination of things, the nut is definitely not the issue, take my word for it! But yeah its a bit more stable now. Gonna get a fresh set of elixirs on the bitch and that should streighten her out.
+1 for new strings