
Gibson in trouble again.

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max that is a complex topic and open for debate, yes the post office is independently funded and not paid for by federal taxes, but it is run by a "board of governors" selected by the president and confirmed by the senate. it also has very special privileges and responsibilities outlined in the constitution and is therefore regulated by the government in a way that no other business is and is still relevant to the argument.
Blue313 said:
This is where that insider witness is crucial.  Stolen work documents and hearsay are inadmissible as evidence.  It's the horse's mouth, properly seized documents.......or you have zero case.

That was one point I mentioned in my earlier post. There's been a lot of people leaving that company, & the company seems to have a bad reputation at large as a bad employer, and while you say that stealing documents is not admissable as evidence, maybe the folks who might have that info, could tell the authorities where to start looking?

On the more philosophical issues raised about capitalism.... well...... let's just say that like another grand philospohy, democracy, there's boundaries that have to be established for it to work. If the USA wishes to embrak upon a policy of unfettered and unregulated capitalism, could you guys TRY and keep the business within your own boundaries so the rest of the world isn't raped and abused, then left to pick up the mess? Or at least have the diplomacy to allow a global entity to be established to set up a global trading post and bypass the need to funnel trillions through Wall St.?
CrackedPepper said:
richship said:
The banking deregulation led to what we have now.

What led to what we have now is not as much deregulation as it was a specific bunch of politicians that decided that it was in their own best interests to force banks into lending money to people that could not afford afford homes in the first place.  We're not talking about monopolies here and even corporate greed.  Government interfered in the free market and the near collapse of the financial system was the result.  Government fails every time in gets involved.  That's why the health care system, the education system, the post office, etc. are all failures to various degrees. 

It could be argued that the education system is a failure because of the capitalist influence.
OzziePete said:
like another grand philospohy, democracy, there's boundaries that have to be established for it to work. If the USA wishes to embrak upon a policy of unfettered and unregulated capitalism, could you guys TRY and keep the business within your own boundaries so the rest of the world isn't raped and abused,

I'm sorry, I'm frikkin sorry you feel that way.

This is my country.  Dont badmouth it - saying we raped and abused.  

I'm sorry you feel that way, but what you said was uncalled for.  Totally uncalled for.

This country was founded on exceptionalism, and freedom.  We are independent, and our founding document states just that.  We adhere to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as rights given by our Creator, the Almighty.  

Capitalism has always worked when allowed to work by being unhindered.  The more it is controlled, the more it becomes Socialism, also known as mandated mediocrity.

Nothing, and nobody forces you to do business within the USA.  

Based on your commentary, I'll be happy to not see you do any more business with the USA.
CrackedPepper said:
What led to what we have now is not as much deregulation as it was a specific bunch of politicians that decided that it was in their own best interests to force banks into lending money to people that could not afford afford homes in the first place.

There are politicians who will say that, but they are lying to manipulate voters that like to blame things like bank collapses on on poor people. Banks were never forced to give people huge loans with no income verification and exploding interest rates, package them up into bad investments and sell them to each other. No one forced AIG to insure all this crap either.

The Community Reinvestment Act (which I assume is what you are talking about) was only to make sure banks made appropriate loans to lower income people the same as everyone else. Semi-literate right-wing demagogues like to blame it for all our problems, but this has been disproven pretty simply - those loans are simply not the problem ones.

It was really the greedy people at the top screwing the rest of us as usual by pursuing immediate profits for themselves. They didn't even seem to care about the long-term vibility of their businesses. When they can check out with 10s of millions, why should they? They did have some help from the government when they dismantled banking regulations in the late 90s.

We're not talking about monopolies here and even corporate greed.  Government interfered in the free market and the near collapse of the financial system was the result.  Government fails every time in gets involved.  That's why the health care system, the education system, the post office, etc. are all failures to various degrees. 

Banks can't even exist withtout government support. Where do you think they get the money to loan out? It isn't from depositors. Maybe you think we should go back to when each bank printed their own "Bank Notes" and get the goverment out of the money business. That sounds like fun.

Reagan and cronies did poison the well and convince many that government doesn't work at all. And when they get voted in they prove their point by screwing things up and then blaming it on the next guy. Government is far from perfect, but it is far preferable to have some government regulation rather than unchecked corporate power.

=CB= said:
This is my country.  Dont badmouth it - saying we raped and abused.  

I love this country too, but it is good to listen when people say we have done something wrong. Sometimes they are right. A true patriot should be willing to create a more pefect union by admitting mistakes and fixing things now and then.

Capitalism has always worked when allowed to work by being unhindered.

Worked for whom?

And when and where has capitalism ever been "unhindered?" And how has that worked out? When regulations are introduced, that points to a problem that capitalism failed to fix by itself. The issue of externalities (where businesses pass what should be their costs to others) shows that businesses cannot always act both in their own interest and society's at the same time without rules imposed upon them. I realize I'm just arguing an element of faith here, but it's just my quixotic nature.
Dan025 said:
oh i hate these conversations, ok really i love them but not really for the board

Well I dont like 'em here either, but sometimes, when my country is dissed, when the principles of our founders are dissed... ya just gotta speak yer mind.  No personal offense to anyone... its strictly the issue.
=CB= said:
OzziePete said:
like another grand philospohy, democracy, there's boundaries that have to be established for it to work. If the USA wishes to embrak upon a policy of unfettered and unregulated capitalism, could you guys TRY and keep the business within your own boundaries so the rest of the world isn't raped and abused,

I'm sorry, I'm frikkin sorry you feel that way.

This is my country.  Dont badmouth it - saying we raped and abused.  

I'm sorry you feel that way, but what you said was uncalled for.  Totally uncalled for.

This country was founded on exceptionalism, and freedom.  We are independent, and our founding document states just that.  We adhere to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as rights given by our Creator, the Almighty.  

Capitalism has always worked when allowed to work by being unhindered.  The more it is controlled, the more it becomes Socialism, also known as mandated mediocrity.

Nothing, and nobody forces you to do business within the USA.  

Based on your commentary, I'll be happy to not see you do any more business with the USA.

=CB=, I know we've had our differences, but I can assure you I meant those terms in a figurative way, not literal, and in reference to economics, financial systems and commerce and also speculating what *could* happen if an unfettered and unregulated economy was allowed at large throughout the world. Not a present accusation, and certainly not accusing Americans of raping and abusing people as such.

As for the rest of your comments, kindly take a look around you and see what has happened to the world in the past 18 months or so. Sadly, a lot of the misery depicted due to the GFC, is due mostly to the USA & it's inability to control the banking and finance sectors.

No use complaining about the collective Govts. of the world all being reactionary to the impending crisis & imposing tougher regulation, they did what they had to do in order to stave off a full blown Depression.

While many will say that sooner or later the world was going to get a big recession, this one was definitely caused by some sharp practices with investments and the wrongly held belief that somehow the banking and finance sector could remove 'risk' from it's lending criteria through factoring out of loans to insurance funding & the bundling of those high risk loans with others, and made a trading commodity. A strategy that stemmed from the USA, and then introduced as a new finance/investment strategy throughout the rest of the world to clients of US Banks. If you wish to have your banks lead the market and Wall Street to have the premier place in investment in the world, then you have to also accept that this errant behaviour is a disgrace to your system.

Dan025 said:
max that is a complex topic and open for debate, yes the post office is independently funded and not paid for by federal taxes, but it is run by a "board of governors" selected by the president and confirmed by the senate. it also has very special privileges and responsibilities outlined in the constitution and is therefore regulated by the government in a way that no other business is and is still relevant to the argument.

Sounds like a Crown Corporation without actually calling it one.
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