
Gibson Feels Threatened by Paper Guitars


Mythical Status
Gibson Gets An Injunction Over PaperJamz; Retailers Ordered To Stop Selling Them

from the did-you-get-one-for-Christmas? dept

by Mike Masnick | Mon, Dec 27th 2010

If you happened to have received a PaperJamz guitar toy for the holidays this year, you may want to hang onto it as a collectors' item. In November, we wrote about how Gibson, the famed guitar company, was suing a bunch of companies over PaperJamz. The main target, of course, was Wowwee, the toymaker who makes the devices (which are plastic -- not actually paper -- guitars with a capacitive touch screen that turn your air guitaring into something a bit more real), but Gibson also sued a bunch of retailers, including Walmart, Amazon, eBay, Target, etc. for selling the toys.

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Gibson is in trouble; has been for a long time, and when companies stop innovating they typically start litigating in order to maintain a revenue stream. It's a standard scheisskopf move the business managers learn at Harvard.

Nuf said....
I think Gibson's demise is due to the company being run by none musicians or musicians who don't know enough & only care about the bottom line.

When a $300 Agile beats a $3000 Gibson, there is something VERY wrong.
Gibson has done more to entertain me than any guitar manufacturer on earth. I will say that.
Gibson has done more to entertain me than any guitar manufacturer on earth. I will say that.

More to the point, they've paid a lot of entertainers to use their instruments to entertain you than any other instrument manufacturer on earth. But, as soon as they can get out from under Gibson's thumb, they do. Ted Nugent is a case in point. Now that he's in a different band with a different record label, he's using PRS guitars instead of Gibsons. Of course, PRS is probably paying him too, so he's still a whore <grin>
That's sad, you don't see Fender going ape shitee on paper jamz, and they have made at least two guitars that I have seen with the likeness of a Stratocaster and a Telecaster.  I don't think any of the paper guitars they make are even close to 100% asthetically correct.  Why are they trying to compare an apple to a paper orange?  I have some Gibson-esqe refrigerator magnets, do they want to go after those too?
Firebird said:
That's sad, you don't see Fender going ape shitee on paper jamz, and they have made at least two guitars that I have seen with the likeness of a Stratocaster and a Telecaster.  I don't think any of the paper guitars they make are even close to 100% asthetically correct.  Why are they trying to compare an apple to a paper orange?

Because they can't succeed on their own merits, so they try to extort money from those who can. A lot of companies and organizations on the skids do that when they're in that situation. In fact, there are companies that form specifically to do just that. They're referred to as "patent trolls". They buy up intellectual property such as patents, copyrights, and trademarks and go in search of "infringers" to sue them into insolvency. The RIAA and MPAA have been in that mode for years now. Their business model is failing fast and they're unwilling or unable to adjust, so they just sue the snot out of anyone and everyone in a futile effort to maintain the status quo. It hasn't and won't work, but they don't seem to realize that, either.
Firebird said:
That's sad, you don't see Fender going ape shitee on paper jamz, and they have made at least two guitars that I have seen with the likeness of a Stratocaster and a Telecaster.  I don't think any of the paper guitars they make are even close to 100% asthetically correct.  Why are they trying to compare an apple to a paper orange?
This is the company that sued PRS because PRS made a single-cut guitar. You know... because Les Pauls are also singlecut, and you can't tell the difference in smoky room. At night. If you're blind.
Then the Telecaster walked in the room, smacked the Les paul like a B$%^H and there was silence.
The only reason they're threatened is because they're in the same business, only charging a lot more for their toy guitars.