
Fret Sizes


Junior Member
Regarding Bass Fret Sizes:

I am kinda new to having to understand what fret sizes I like/need.  Can somebody help explain what the benefits or drawbacks are of different fret sizes on a Bass?  What about playing styles?  I haven't really found good literature on this, other than guitar companies, and they say good stuff about all their available products, of course.

I mostly play really tight, quick, articulated funk grooves and some quick jazz stuff.  I also like to slap and pop, but that's probably going to be a whole different instrument build altogether.  Right now I'm going for more of a adaptable, middle of the road J bass with a fast neck, and real clear articulation of every note

Thanks!  :headbang:
One place to start getting an idea is by looking at the web sites of different makers that you like. For example, Fender tells you the fret size on each models' spec page. So if you've played different basses in a store, etc., you can look up what size they had.

One general point about frets is that if you have a heavy fretting hand, you don't want frets to be too high. The higher the frets, the further down you will mash the string, thereby pulling notes sharp.
The 6230 works well , it is the size used on vintage Fenders.  Tall enough for good intonation , small enough to not be intrusive. 
6150s.  They are medium-jumbo. Not to wide, not too narrow. Not too tall, not too short...