
fret redressing


Senior Member
How many find this necessary on their new Warmoth guitars/basses? I've heard here and there that some get it done whenever they get a new neck. But I haven't been able to get much info on it. I have a Jaguar bass in the making, along with a neck that has jumbo stainless steel frets on it, and I like my action low. Just curious what people's take on this is.
Warmoth's guitar necks rarely need much more than a lick and a promise, I gotta think their bass necks must seem like they've been touched by His Noodly Appendage, and made wholly perfect.


After all, the orbit of a vibrating bass string is wide enough that you're never going to get too near the frets anyway.
Cagey said:
Warmoth's guitar necks rarely need much more than a lick and a promise, I gotta think their bass necks must seem like they've been touched by His Noodly Appendage, and made wholly perfect.


After all, the orbit of a vibrating bass string is wide enough that you're never going to get too near the frets anyway.
Just skip the damn frets. You'll never have to worry about dressing frets again, and you will have a much better instrument!

I'm completely fricking serious!
Warmoth's frets are installed extremely well over the half-dozen or so I've bought for them, and most people would more or less be fine using them as is. And, without a doubt they show up better than your typical off-the-shelf guitars, especially ones $600 and down but often higher up guitars too. The edges aren't particularly sharp and all frets are seated correctly.

That said, W notes that they don't really do this service themselves, and really they shouldn't (it makes no sense to without an entire guitar being set up anyway). If you really want to optimize action and all that you need to do it yourself or get it professionally done. And I mean take it to a pro shop, not some knucklehead working at the local GC.
What I'm really trying to say is fret dressing is supposed to be done on guitars, not guitar necks.
ok, I guess I'll assemble and solder everything myself, then send it to a pro luthier to redress the frets and make sure they're level, and have them do a good first setup. there's one guy in town that brought my old '67 12 string Ovation Hurricane back from the dead. I thought the thing was unplayable, and when I got it back it was better than any other 12 string guitar I've ever touched. so, that guy will be doing Vincent.

note to Line6Man, I have plans for a fretless p-bass later in the year...oops, did I just say that?.....  :icon_thumright:
hachikid said:
note to Line6Man, I have plans for a fretless p-bass later in the year...oops, did I just say that?.....  :icon_thumright:

Will there be a J pickup?

Well, I know you don't care for Js, so a MM pickup? A soapbar? Anything in the bridge position?

Lined or unlined?