
Fossilized Maple

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http://cgi.ebay.com/STRAT-NECK-RARE-FOSSILIZED-DARK-MAPLE-21f-STRATOCASTER-/350397005245?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item519549fdbd :headbang:

If warmoth made these I would buy one!
I don't know about that... the nut has discoloration, which makes me think it's just stained.
is this another version oif the chocolate, roasted, vulcanized, etc necks??
I agree with max, based on the nut slot, it looks dodgy.
I bought a couple of MusiKraft necks a long time ago when I started building; be advised that while they are not horrible quality you WILL need to do some sanding on the butt or the neck pocket to get them to set up properly in a Warmoth body, the angle's like 1/2 a degree off or so.
Fossilized Maple wouldn't be Wood.

it would be rock.

not rock hard, I MEAN MADE OF STONE.

Don't make me get all Wiki up in here!
"Kiln-dried" - it's another variant on the roasted necks that Music Man, Suhr and other are offering. Supposedly it works really well.



AGWAN said:
Fossilized Maple wouldn't be Wood.

it would be rock.

not rock hard, I MEAN MADE OF STONE.

Don't make me get all Wiki up in here!

Wiki isn't even reliable.Anyone can make up nonsense and publish it.
I'm sure Warmoth is sick of hearing "If they made ________, I'd buy one."  As if to say evevrything else they make is crap, I'm waiting for something worthwhile from them to earn my $.  Right?
If Warmoth would only make a concrete neck......with rebar for frets...i'd buy...nevermind
I will not make any other suggestion to Warmoth..
I have asked for a ct tele for years, and at the time they finally came out with it, I turned poor.. still feel bad about it.. but one day!!!!
ok in that case:

hey guys, what about Spanish Ceder.. it seems to be what all the booteek guys use.. its not even pretty, but apparently it sounds like really old mahogany...
From the Roasted Maple neck page.....

    * Adds dimensional stability and resistance to temperature and humidity changes
    * Increases resistance to warping
    * Reduces density while maintaining stiffness for a lighter neck with sufficient strength
    * Yields a microstructure similar to naturally aged woods with lower moisture content
    * More resonance and less damping
    * Eliminates the need for hazardous chemical treatments
    * Vibrational testing indicates that roasted maple exhibits clearer tone with a stronger fundamental than untreated maple samples

Things like this peg the needle on my BS meter.  You cannot have more resonance with less damping.  Stronger fundamentals are a result of reduced overtones.  So I'm wondering how you can have reduced overtones yet have less damping (which is the killer of overtones).  Just hyperbole.  Marketing hyperbole.

There's an irreducible rule that if you spend $300 extra for anything, you have to like it better. :laughing8:
=CB= said:
From the Roasted Maple neck page.....

    * Adds dimensional stability and resistance to temperature and humidity changes
    * Increases resistance to warping
    * Reduces density while maintaining stiffness for a lighter neck with sufficient strength
    * Yields a microstructure similar to naturally aged woods with lower moisture content
    * More resonance and less damping
    * Eliminates the need for hazardous chemical treatments
    * Vibrational testing indicates that roasted maple exhibits clearer tone with a stronger fundamental than untreated maple samples

Believe it or not, a certain amount of the science is legit.  My best friend is a research scientist for Weyerhauser and was involved in some of the early research.  It does work, but can become very brittle and difficult to work with.  So.... lets's see.  It's the cool new thing on the block, but is is really better than a well built neck made of traditional woods?  Probably not, but it sure makes for great marketing!
I agree with AGWAN's comment: Fossilized means it has turns to stone, this neck obviously hasn't!

That alone gets me being defensive on the BS meter straight away, why not just announce it as kiln dried/roasted maple? (which they do later in the text)

Wyliee said:
=CB= said:
From the Roasted Maple neck page.....

    * Adds dimensional stability and resistance to temperature and humidity changes
    * Increases resistance to warping
    * Reduces density while maintaining stiffness for a lighter neck with sufficient strength
    * Yields a microstructure similar to naturally aged woods with lower moisture content
    * More resonance and less damping
    * Eliminates the need for hazardous chemical treatments
    * Vibrational testing indicates that roasted maple exhibits clearer tone with a stronger fundamental than untreated maple samples

Believe it or not, a certain amount of the science is legit.  My best friend is a research scientist for Weyerhauser and was involved in some of the early research.  It does work, but can become very brittle and difficult to work with.  So.... lets's see.  It's the cool new thing on the block, but is is really better than a well built neck made of traditional woods?  Probably not, but it sure makes for great marketing!

I'd give the idea about ten years of good hard road work before wanting to go for it. If what Wyliee suggest is a possibility of it becoming brittle that may only show up after a period of time of use (abuse?). Graphite necks were once the great new idea, so too aluminium necks, but they both were found wanting in the real world. And expensive. We are still, in the vast majority, using organic materials for the neck woods....
Wyliee said:
Believe it or not, a certain amount of the science is legit.  My best friend is a research scientist for Weyerhauser and was involved in some of the early research.  It does work, but can become very brittle and difficult to work with.  So.... lets's see.  It's the cool new thing on the block, but is is really better than a well built neck made of traditional woods?  Probably not, but it sure makes for great marketing!

Wyliee, I think they have mistaken resonance for sustain in their claim. 