I'd refuse to support such actions as well, but what's done is done. Who goes out when they purchase an instrument and question whether the woods were obtained legally? Does anyone have documentation of such on this forum? Probably not. I've never received any documentation regarding the materials of any of my guitars...EVER.
I'm all about conservation of our environment, and certainly feel very strongly against illegal practices if they are going on, and would absolutely refuse to support such a company, but I'm not taking the heat because some company sold me a guitar made of illegal woods 15 years ago.
The gov't has been doing their fair part to take everything else from us, whether they be more taxes, jobs, cheap healthcare, or whatever, but they ain't takin' my guitars. Over my dead body. What's done is done. If I have guitars made from illegally obtained woods, oh well. What's done is done.
And besides, Gibson hasn't even made the best Les Paul on the market in years. Sad that other companies make a better Les Paul than Gibson.
FWIW, I'd support Laguna guitars, and even probably own a few if I'd actually played one that didn't suck. I like their business practices. For every guitar they build, they plant a tree.