
First Warmoth, First Post: Yet Another Harrison Tele


So, a couple weeks ago I was browsing wood pr0n at Warmoth and came across this finished rosewood body for a few bucks more than the unfinished ones. And I noticed that rosewood isn't a choice in the body builder anymore. So after getting the OK from "upper management" here she is. Rosewood neck and the rest of the parts are coming soon  :toothy10:


  • Body & Parts.jpg
    Body & Parts.jpg
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Drool... There will never be enough rosewood Teles on this forum if you ask me.  They give me serious GAS. 
Rosewood tele; yum, yum  :glasses9:
Pickguard covering up beautiful rosewood tele;  :sad:

Yeah - that's the current pick guard. It's a Harrison after all.

And any advice about squeezing the ferrules into the back will be welcomed... soldering iron technique? manual drill bit?
PhillyWill said:
Yeah - that's the current pick guard. It's a Harrison after all.

O.K., ya' got me there! 
That is a really nice piece of rosewood  :glasses9:
Should be a great Harrison geetar :icon_thumright:
Tasty indeed  :icon_thumright:

Has that got ? ...
Maple laminate pinstripes throughout!
Top and Back Indian Rosewood laminates!

Drooling ......... 
Thanks guys. It's really a wonderful body. Even though it's 4 pieces (with "Maple laminate pinstripes throughout!") it's got that sweet ring when you tap it. The finish is easily the equal of my PRS Santana III - the PRS may be "dipped in glass" but this one's dipped in diamond.

Now I just need the darn neck to show up...
Perry Combover said:
BTW, googling "wood porn," not recommended.  :icon_jokercolor:

You know were just a bunch of kids on this forum and your telling us not to look up wood porn.
I had googled it in less than 5 seconds after I read this... :evil4: