
First Build - LP Bass


Hey everyone, first post, first build.

I'm thinking about trying a Warmoth project. But I've never done anything like this before. I would be getting help from my father and brother who both have experience with electronics and stuff like that.

Here's my specs, would you change/add something? I'm open to all thoughts:

Model: Standard LP Bass
Orientation: Left handed
Wood: Quilt Maple on Mahogany
UC Front Laminate: LT292
Rout: Rear Rout
F-Holes: None
Pickup Rout: None, , Music Man
Controls: V-X-X-X-X-XBridge: Bad Ass III - Non Thru
Top Finish: Fire Burst
Back Finish: Transparent Red
Jack Rout: 7/8" Side
Binding: Cream Binding
Neck Pocket: Standard Bass Pocket
Mounting Holes: Standard 4 Bolt
Battery Box: None

Style: L.P. Bass
Construction: Bass Angled
Neck Wood: Indian Rosewood
Fingerboard Wood: Bubinga
Orientation: Left Handed
Nut Width: 1 11/16"
Back Shape: Standard thin
Fret Size: 6130
Tuner Ream: GB7 (14mm)
Inlays: Cream Face Dots
Pre-Cut Installed String Nut: White Corian
Radius: Straight 10"
Scale: 34 in.
Fret #: 24
Mounting Holes: Standard 4 Bolt

I'm looking for a really heavy bass with loooooooooooaaads of sustain. I'm mainly going to use it to play stoner doom/sludge with it.
Sounds like a cool project, take your time and have fun with it.... :icon_thumright:

And welcome to the madness..... :laughing7:
I am not really a bass man, but from what I can see it sounds like a great project.  :icon_thumright:

I love fire burst  :headbang:

Be sure you are posting lots of pics as you work through it. 

Welcome to the forum...  :hello2:
I saw the BadASS III non-thru on the search filter and am confused by that.  What is it?  I thought the string-thru (and mounting hole) is what made the Bad ASS III different from the I and II.  If the option is there, and it is, I would always get sting-thru.  The route cost is no different, and most string-thru bridges are often top-load combos that can do either.  The only extra cost is string ferrules, which are $1 a piece for chrome.  You can always top load your bridge if you wanted, but if it was top load only, there's no choice.  Sustain-wise, a string thru should do a better job, but in the real world it's a matter of opinion.
Thats if you have a three-screw bridge route instead of the Badass II's five-screw and don't want it strung through the body. Some old Fenders used three-screw bridges. Just another option I guess.
If that's the case, I would opt for the Bad ASS II non string-thru (and Gotoh 201 route) with the 5 mounting holes just because there's more bridges available with that mounting pattern.
Also, depending on whether or not the MM pickup in question is passive with active EQ, or totally active (EMG), get a battery box route if there's a battery involved.  Sure there's enough room in the rear route cavity, but battery changes are nice without tools.
Plus, the Badass II goes for $60 on ebay and the III runs $100+. According to Leo Quan, the III is made out of something different than the II that improves on the tone. I don't have a body to hook mine onto yet, so I can't comment.