
Finishing tfarny's Tele


Hero Member
I received this nice Tele body from tfarny to lacquer.  He did all the stain and grain filling.  I had to level sand the mahogany with the grain fill and steam up a few minor dings. Here we go.

This is level sanded and ready for the first coats of clear.

The mahogany looks great after the first wash coat.

The top had kind of a grape color before finish.

Look at how that red popped! We are going to call this Beautiful Wine Red.

Awesome - I can already see my original vision for this guitar coming back to life in your capable hands. You see what I mean about the radiused edge of the maple being 'off' in color? In these pics, it doesn't actually look bad however.  Fantastic start!
tfarny said:
Awesome - I can already see my original vision for this guitar coming back to life in your capable hands. You see what I mean about the radiused edge of the maple being 'off' in color? In these pics, it doesn't actually look bad however.  Fantastic start!

Typically on an unbound top like that the radiused edges of the maple lam top will absorb more of whatever dye or stain you apply and appear darker/deeper in color than the top, is that what you're talking about?
I think what happened on the edge is it was stained brown first and sanded back and the brown struck in to far on the edges.  So when tfarny sanded it back and re-stained it with the red the brown is still showing on the edges.  There is a visible color difference with the brown showing. I think I'm going to tape off the cap and do a slight cherry burst on the maple.  I have to get some more clear on to see how it looks first.
Correct - for anyone interested I had this old thread going - http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=8299.msg106927#msg106927
I asked Tonar to help me get this one right, when I realized I didn't have the tools, space, time, or expertise to make it look the way I wanted, and I wasn't interested in just slapping something together with wipe-on poly like I did on my other summer project.
tfarny said:
Awesome - I can already see my original vision for this guitar coming back to life in your capable hands. You see what I mean about the radiused edge of the maple being 'off' in color? In these pics, it doesn't actually look bad however.  Fantastic start!
I'm glad this one saw the light of day again.  This is exactly what I had pictured in my head during that other thread as well.  Sometimes you have to bring out the really big guns.
Very nice...
I am amazed at the dramatic color change of that top.
Should be a sweet build. 
Another sweet notch on Tonar's belt.
Please keep the pics a rollin"
:kewlpics: :rock-on:
Lookin' real nice Tonar.
Good to see this project coming to life.
Amazing transformation on the color.

Here it is bursted with a special mix black on the very edge and then cherry red.  It will look great when it is all melted.  

Here is a picture of the line between the top and the mahogany.

Amazing to see it go from the sort of washed-out grape color to the current cherry red on black.  What makes the black mix special?
What makes the black mix special?

Well I threw some black lacquer and Vandyke brown with clear lacquer into a mixture.  What make it special is that I'll never be able to reproduce it. :laughing7:
YYYYEEEEESSSSS!!!!! Love it. Love it love it love it. That is WAY better than I even thought it was possible to get. You are a genius Greg, to take this from a semi-messed up job to what's shaping up to be a very pretty guitar when all is said and done. Awesome. Thank you.
Again, I love your threads.  This one seems to be demonstrating even more of those mad skills.  :glasses9: