Finished flamed maple neck in TO


Hero Member

The face of the headstock has 5 coats of TO finish sanded with micromesh.


This is what 7 coats of TO looks like when finish sanded with micromesh.  It looks like it's been dipped in glass. 


This was after the first coat was applied.  I finished the fretboard with 4 coats and finished it to a satin texture.  It's very slick - just as much as my other neck with an ebony board.

Flamed maple neck/fretboard
1.75' string spacing

The combination of the above specs has made this neck magical.  Unlike the Wizard/fatback necks I had with 6130's, I can bend with ease and the neck is super fast, with perfect string spacing; no more cramped spacing from the nut to the 7th fret.  The strings fall right underneath my fingers and the Wolfgang contour, while thin on paper, fills the hand in all the right areas.  Unlike the Wizard/Fatback, there is no compromise between chording and soloing.  Those that say 1.75" string spacing will inhibit speed likely haven't had this spacing on the Wolfgang contour.  I'm not sure - probably a function of preference, but I can rip on this guitar (even with it's high, unset action) easier than any of the other 15 high end guitars I've owned.  I can't see going back to 1 11/16" now - and my hands aren't even huge.

One thing I will warn you about pertains to the ordering process.  I chenged my tuner ream right after I ordered it to accommodate Schaller locking tuners and they called for a 10mm ream.  When the neck arrived, the tuners were too small for the ream-  the ol' "hotdog in a hallway" condition hahaha.  The Warmoth rep said I could wrap the shaft with some copper tape to fix the problem and they have a specific ream for the Schallers that fit them better.  Aparently the guy who took my order quit..I thought it was rediculous to have to rig these tners to fit the neck at the specified sizing I paid for - yes, they verified my order change.  They said I could return the neck if it hadn't been touched.  Well sorry - I just spent 3 weeks finishing it..

I ended up with PW Autotrims - an amazing little machine!  I was pleasantly surprised by these, thought my guitar is still going flat after string bends.  I used Mitchell abrasive cord to clean out the nut slots, so I'm still not sure where the isse is at this point.  It's going to need a professional set up and there are a few high frets on this neck.  We will see how she turns out.  As is, I'm very pleased.

Thanks, Joey. 

The spaces between the frets are nice and clean, as well.  I just used the finer grit micromesh cloths to give it a nice, dull sheen. 
joeyl said:
Looks like glass, very well done. How about between the frets, any close up pics?

Off topic-

Are you the same guy from TalkBass?
Why don't you post some pics of your Warmoths? :blob7:
IIRC, you've got a natural Ash Jazz, and a metallic blue dinky PJ, both with Birdseye Maple necks?
Hey Line6man, like you I have the same user name on Talkbass and other forums, makes it easier to know who I am  :icon_scratch:
I will post the Warmoth basses in the near future, thanks for the suggestion!

line6man said:
joeyl said:
Looks like glass, very well done. How about between the frets, any close up pics?

Off topic-

Are you the same guy from TalkBass?
Why don't you post some pics of your Warmoths? :blob7:
IIRC, you've got a natural Ash Jazz, and a metallic blue dinky PJ, both with Birdseye Maple necks?