
Finally (warning for the kiddies: Agile info inside)


Hero Member
So I've been waiting and waiting months for a new *lefty* color with the 3000
lineup (you righties have it so friggin easy), and they finally came out with this:


(righty version):


Lefties are teeple poo.  :icon_thumright:

Now if they'd just do white+gold, black+gold, goldtop PAF/P90 and honey sunburst..........
Daaaaaang, that looks nice.  Our right-handed colleagues may not see anything special about this, but any additional lefty color options are always a big deal.  'New Topic'-worthy for sure.  :icon_thumright:
Get ready for a string of "that guitar looks backwards, man :laughing7:" posts, those never get old btw  :icon_biggrin:
Doughboy said:
This guitar will probably be more popular with drivers in the UK.
Oooh didnt see that one coming out in this thread  :tard:
As for the new colour for the leftys, congrats on a long awaited colour option  :toothy10:
jalane said:
Daaaaaang, that looks nice.  Our right-handed colleagues may not see anything special about this, but any additional lefty color options are always a big deal.  'New Topic'-worthy for sure.  :icon_thumright:

Preach it, brotha - new lefty colors are always of note for us lefties!   :icon_thumright:

Hey got a joke:

So this lefty walks into a guitar store...

...and he sees this:



"buy the black jackson Strat, or the black squier strat.... or the black agathis Ibanez...superstrat."
jalane said:
Get ready for a string of "that guitar looks backwards, man :laughing7:" posts, those never get old btw  :icon_biggrin:


[laughing out loud]
Who was it that gave him (SL) a hard time about Agile guitars? He seems like he has a chip on his shoulder about someone's comments regarding these guitars, but I haven't been able to find where the comments or conflict too place? Anyone know? Link? Seriously I've looked a few times since the other thread about the private review and I haven't been able to find any negative comments.
GoDrex said:
Who was it that gave him (SL) a hard time about Agile guitars? He seems like he has a chip on his shoulder about someone's comments regarding these guitars, but I haven't been able to find where the comments or conflict too place? Anyone know? Link? Seriously I've looked a few times since the other thread about the private review and I haven't been able to find any negative comments.

I dunno - They seem like the best set-neck Gibson going at the moment.  Don't think that anyone really disputes that. 
However if I had the means and the desire, I'd likely get a super custom W LP.
Superlizard said:
jalane said:
Daaaaaang, that looks nice.  Our right-handed colleagues may not see anything special about this, but any additional lefty color options are always a big deal.  'New Topic'-worthy for sure.  :icon_thumright:

Preach it, brotha - new lefty colors are always of note for us lefties!  :icon_thumright:

Hey got a joke:

So this lefty walks into a guitar store...

...and he sees this:



Damn, that black Strat knockoff is HOT!  :evil4:
GoDrex said:
Who was it that gave him (SL) a hard time about Agile guitars? He seems like he has a chip on his shoulder about someone's comments regarding these guitars, but I haven't been able to find where the comments or conflict too place? Anyone know? Link? Seriously I've looked a few times since the other thread about the private review and I haven't been able to find any negative comments.

There doesn't seem to be much love lost for Gibson on this forum, but most music-oriented message boards will take you out back and beat you within an inch of your life with a dirty gym sock full of lag bolts for even suggesting that anything could come close to the holy grail that is a Gibson Les Paul. And I mean Holy Grail. They're religious about it. Gibson could ship the thing as a completely unfinished bag of sawdust with no hardware, and they'd still swear it was the The Thing To Have. Not that I have anything against Les Paul style guitars, but I'm practical about them. The real adherents are as evangelical about them as fundamentalist Muslims. You don't dare say a critical word, on pain of death.

Personally, I think they're just embarrassed. Agile LPs are everything a Gibson LP is at least, and for a whole order of magnitude less money. If I bought an LP custom from Gibson and saw an Agile after the fact, I'd be clutching at straws to justify it, too. Otherwise, I look incredibly stupid.
Thanks guys but that doesn't really answer my question. Who is SL moaning about? I just haven't seen anyone HERE bash Agile LP's in any way. It's possible I missed it.