
Fender Bullet Strings


Senior Member
Fender claims that their bullet end strings "creates a sonic coupling between the string and bridge block, for rock solid tuning stability and increased sustain" when using a tremolo. It seems to be because the bullet end is meant to fit into the hole in tremolo block more snugly than a regular ball end.

So does anyone have any experience of them, and do they actually make a difference. Also, do they only work with Fender tremolos, or do other brands have the same shape inside the block holes?

I only have one guitar with a tremolo, and up to now I've hardly ever used it, but that could change.

Jeremiah said:
Fender claims that their bullet end strings "creates a sonic coupling between the string and bridge block, for rock solid tuning stability and increased sustain" when using a tremolo. It seems to be because the bullet end is meant to fit into the hole in tremolo block more snugly than a regular ball end.

Clearly, Fender can afford to hire some superb marketing weenies who minored in creative writing. When you can get $3,500 for an $800 Strat simply by putting a famous player's name on it, well, need I say more? <grin>
i always thought the idea was to prevent the string from settling differently with heavy trem use thus preventing it from going out of tune, as far as tone, it's all marketing.