
Ergonomics and comfort


Hero Member
Is there much difference  between Solist body and  Strat (rear rout) body?

Sorry if  it is a newb question, but I can't understand it only reading the website (I don't understand very well English...sorry me again)
How is this forum any different to the Warmoth website, they are both in English language?  :dontknow:
I think a Soloist has slightly sharper edges than a Strat. I know my Jackson digs into my ribs a little more than my Strat does, but not as much as, say, a Tele or LP. But others may have a different view.
Aussie Pete said:
How is this forum any different to the Warmoth website, they are both in English language?  :dontknow:

of course,
but if I do not understand something here (forum) I can ask if you explain me better (o simple).
On the site I could not do it.
More clear now, I hope
Jonesey said:
I think a Soloist has slightly sharper edges than a Strat. I know my Jackson digs into my ribs a little more than my Strat does, but not as much as, say, a Tele or LP. But others may have a different view.

It's one of those things that I wanted to learn more.
So...  strat-solist 1-0

Thanks again
It's always a bit risky to ask about ergonomics/comfort because it's so individual. Personally I find Str*ts the least comfortable guitars I've tried and LPs the best.
It doesn't get any more cozy than a Strat. The contours are easy on the ribs and the forearm. Les Pauls, for example, are like playing a church pew with strings slapped on it.
All true,
it is very difficult to give an opinion
What interests me - having a strat body w/contoured heel - what's difference with a soloist body.
In terms of curves, confort and ergonomic.
Subjective opinions are always welcome, of course!
Strat body with contoured heel is the comfiest you'll find. A Soloist will always be a little "sharper" on the edges.
You have slightly more upper fret access on the Soloist, relative to the Strat. But, other than that, I doubt you'd feel much difference. Still one of the most comfortable electric guitars extant. There are some neck-thru-body designs that have less of a heel to them, even less so than the contoured heel, so that would be even better if you spend a lot of time north of the 18th fret or so. But, if you look at what guys have been doing on Les Pauls for years, you realize that having a cinder block-sized neck heel isn't the end of the world. You just have to be willing to risk carpal tunnel syndrome <grin>

Really, few guys do anything musical up there. Those frets are for accents, harmonics, scale run termination screams, etc. so it doesn't have to be as comfy as playing at the 7th fret. It's not a place you spend a lot of time.

What it amounts to is the Soloist is a Strat with extra high access and a carved top. The first is for mechanical ease, and the second is for aesthetics. There's quite a premium for that body, but it is a nice piece of work. You don't see bodies like that every day, so people will try extra hard to steal it <grin>
Ah yes. I forgot about the contoured heel option. Strat body with the contoured heel = ultimate comfort and playability.
Strat again! :guitarplayer2:
Now I must only waiting for **a** body in showcase...  :icon_thumright:

ok I can order it but I can't think that i must wait for 4 week...
( :laughing11: :laughing11: waiting for *the choose one* body in showcase perhaps I'll wait for plus time... :icon_biggrin:)

I'm a little insane eh? May be, but NOW we have a strong euro, next days...
:toothy11: :toothy11: :toothy11: :toothy11: :toothy11:
k-k-kboooman said:
It's always a bit risky to ask about ergonomics/comfort because it's so individual. Personally I find Str*ts the least comfortable guitars I've tried and LPs the best.

That's because you have washboard abs, the rest of us have beer bellies that fit the contours of the Strats much better.... :occasion14:
Bruno said:
Strat again! :guitarplayer2:
Now I must only waiting for **a** body in showcase...  :icon_thumright:

ok I can order it but I can't think that i must wait for 4 week...
( :laughing11: :laughing11: waiting for *the choose one* body in showcase perhaps I'll wait for plus time... :icon_biggrin:)

I'm a little insane eh? May be, but NOW we have a strong euro, next days...
:toothy11: :toothy11: :toothy11: :toothy11: :toothy11:

I understand your not wanting to wait for a custom build, but if the one you want isn't already in the Showcase, you might wait quite a while for that to show up, too. In the meantime, your dream body could be being made. If you must wait either way, you may as well be waiting on a sure thing.

Plus, you're right in that you have an advantage right now with the Euro. He who must not be named keeps printing money like the fool he is, so the value of the dollar keeps dropping. I ordered a vibrato bridge from Germany the other day and was shocked at the exchange rate. As of this morning, 1 euro = 1.47 US dollars. That means a $500 body would only be about 340 Euros.
Aussie Pete said:
k-k-kboooman said:
It's always a bit risky to ask about ergonomics/comfort because it's so individual. Personally I find Str*ts the least comfortable guitars I've tried and LPs the best.

That's because you have washboard abs, the rest of us have beer bellies that fit the contours of the Strats much better.... :occasion14:

"washboard abs"?!
No, I just have the one ab I'm afraid. It's still pretty moderate though!

I think the main reason is actually that I play using a more orthodox/classical/correct playing position: above the waist and right in front of me.
k-k-kboooman said:
I think the main reason is actually that I play using a more orthodox/classical/correct playing position: above the waist and right in front of me.

That'll do it. Lately I've been coming to grips with the fact that wearing the guitar a little higher makes it easier to play, though it looks decidedly less cool. And I'm not even one of those "guitar at the knees" guys; I wear it pretty high already!  :laughing7:

And to Cagey's idea that the uppermost frets are essentially useless, I have to somewhat agree. I rarely play up beyond 14 or 15. Maybe someday I'll build a guitar with frets that just stop at 12 and see if it alters my playing at all.  :doh:
Jonesey said:
k-k-kboooman said:
I think the main reason is actually that I play using a more orthodox/classical/correct playing position: above the waist and right in front of me.

That'll do it. Lately I've been coming to grips with the fact that wearing the guitar a little higher makes it easier to play, though it looks decidedly less cool. And I'm not even one of those "guitar at the knees" guys; I wear it pretty high already!  :laughing7:

One disadvantage of being of a slim figure: no energy reserves followed by great confusion. What I meant was that the centre of my guitar is above my waistline; slightly higher when I sit down than when I stand up. Does miracles with left wrist fatigue too - I usually don't have any!
Cagey said:
I understand your not wanting to wait for a custom build, but if the one you want isn't already in the Showcase, you might wait quite a while for that to show up, too. In the meantime, your dream body could be being made. If you must wait either way, you may as well be waiting on a sure thing.

All true.
But having already 8 solid body guitars I can wait and dream of finding the perfect body... tonight  :laughing11:
Why not?  :headbang1: :headbang1: :headbang1: :headbang1: