something about those Fender bullet end strings that I don't like...i've seen a friend of mine's Strat tremolo be completely ruined by a set of those strings...i'm sure it could be contributed to his own error,
but the string (the g string i believe) had broken off inside the block, and the bullet end had somehow warped and stuck itself into the string hole.
we stuck toothpicks and the like trying to dislodge it but it broke the toothpicks! :laughing7:
we eventually jammed a dental pick into it and the bullet end came out looking like it had been hit by a hammer,
when he restrung it the string wouldn't sit right in the block, and couldnt intonate at all.
it could have been any random factors that cause this..but i steer away from the bullet ends now..
imo any kind of DR's are just fantastic :icon_thumright: