
Elaborate Scam Artist Alert


Hero Member
i saw this thread on TGP, who then promptly shut it down. apparently it went against policy, which really makes no sense to me. that doesn't seem to benefit anybody but the scam artist. anyway, i think there are some people here who would find this as interesting as i did. has a somewhat happy ending, but the scammer might not be done with trouble yet. i feel like this is totally the type of forum he'd have trouble with, as we're pretty tight knit and are all usually pretty skeptical of new users with great deals.


"Don't mess with GDP, we'll call your mom about it." :laughing11:
Wow, that's crazy.  At least they hit him back where it hurts, at the record company.  I bet those people are pretty pissed off now. 
I guess it's a sign of my own cynicism, but I'm a bit surprised by the naivety of a lot of the people on that forum thread.
it only takes one. The first page was everyone calling it a scam from the get go....but stil someone bit. I am sure it could happen here as well as there are some members here that aren't as regular as others. I could see CB being taken for a ride on this....NOT
what is the elaborate part? i cant see pages 2-14.

anyway people are generally trusting. and some people take advantage. i haven't seen anything like that around here and im glad. we are a niche group, not as many active posters as on other discussion boards, scam artists are more easily sniffed out here. plus most of us know that our custom gear is not worth more than it's weight in wood. and are not easily tempted by valuable gear.
Dan025 said:
what is the elaborate part? i cant see pages 2-14.

true enough. i guess elaborate isn't the right word, more like "long-running and aggravating just to read" would be closer haha
Oh man, when my in-laws finally email me their insane fraud story from over the summer, I have to post it.  It's a long read, but one of the weirdest, most entertaining stories I've ever heard. 
hannaugh said:
Oh man, when my in-laws finally email me their insane fraud story from over the summer, I have to post it.  It's a long read, but one of the weirdest, most entertaining stories I've ever heard. 
You guys will enjoy it!
update: a picture of the perpetrator, thanks to SMacp from the GDP forum :laughing11:

ocguy106 said:
I am sure it could happen here as well as there are some members here that aren't as regular as others.

There IS a TP thread for us "regular" members......