
Eddie Van Halen talks about building guitars in 1979 interview

If I was Eddie's dad I would sue him for using the EVH initials. I named him so that's my intellectual property.  :icon_jokercolor:
I knew I should have bought bucket loads of PAF's back in the day and 10K for two 59 Les Pauls.  Those were the days.  :laughing7:
Tonar8353 said:
I knew I should have bought bucket loads of PAF's back in the day and 10K for two 59 Les Pauls.  Those were the days.  :laughing7:

How could you know? I had a bunch of them, most of which were ruined through experimentation. But, back then they were cast-offs. People weren't that impressed with them and were replacing them with the new-fangled "hot" pickups that started showing up in the mid-to-late '70s.
What I wanna know is whatever happened to all the 50's and 60's Stratoto-casters that had a big ol' humbucking route gouged out and the big Floyd Rose makeover. I understand perfectly where all the thousands of pristine old Fenders came from - they're all fuckin' fakes, morons - but whatever happened to the mutants? I actually used to like some of them, remember inlaying brass blocks under bridges and stuff? There were a lot more of them than of the un-molested ones by the time the vintage scam got traction, 1987, '88. Did they all just get tossed, or sold to George Lynch?
Dunno. Actually, I didn't see a great many of what you describe. I remember the brass craze, but not the humbucker/Floyd mod craze. Of course, by the time that was even possible we were into the '80s, and I spent most of that decade and the next flying around the Americas. So, not a whole lot of digging around in other people's fiddles.