
easy finish


Hero Member
would like to know some options about finishing the body myelf.

which finish would be the easiest to do?

and what materials would you need to do it?

and some pointers on how much it would cost would also be appreciated.

i actually prefer natural finishes to painted ones - especially so on a tele. so if i can "finish" the body by rubbing some kind of oil on it that would be ideal. appreciate the feedback.
my first project was a korina body with a tru-oil finish.  Very easy, very cheap.  Look in the DIY Finishing section, a lot of people have done oil finishes and there are lots of details and threads to look at.
there are many topics and FAQ's on this subject in the finishes section.

and yes, it doesn't get much easier and cheaper than tru-oil
I really like the combination of Tru Oil and either Woodburst or Minwax stains.
Pure Tung Oil is pretty darn easy!  Just be patient between applications!
Oil stain or dye of whatever color, then wipe-on poly of some type. Apparently tru oil is a popular one, but couldn't you just stain it how you wanted and use the minwax gloss poly too?
I DON"T think tung oil is all that easy, compared to other methods, I've done it twice. Sticky, takes forever to dry.