
dye questions


Epic Member
does anybody have either experience or a good link to a dye tutorial?
I am planning to dye a swamp ash body with a flame maple top.

as I do not have any equipment, can it be rubbed on?
should I go for water or alcohol based, and can I finish it with true oil over it?
You can rub in dyes.  For less intense colors, you use whats called a reducer.  I'd personally choose an alcohol or acetone based dye.  Make it an aniline dye.  I'd not use Tru-Oil over any dye as TO is very amber and will skew the color.  Try pure tung if you want an oil finish.
If you go through the DIY finishing section there are a number of threads, read all of Tonar's first. While people like different types, I prefer to use Sherwin Williams Universal Tints (hard to come by in less than gallon qtys. unless you develop a connection at a SW store) or the Mixol tints available from Woodcraft stores or online. I prefer dissolve the tints/dyes in lacquer thinner rather than water or alcohol as it doesn't seem to raise the grain as much and it's been easier to control, i.e., if it gets a little darker than you want you can wash the color back a bit with a rag with pure lacquer thinner on it. Be prepared to buy some test boards (also available from Woodcraft) and do a lot of testing/experimentation before you start on the body.

CB is correct that the Tru-oil will impart an amber tint, but that might work out OK depending on what color(s) you were planning to dye the body. What exactly were you planning on trying?
ok, so I decided to go for wood dye, since I couldn't find a stain I liked for this project.

I don't really want to fill the grain this time. should I still use something on the raw wood before the dye? or anything after the dye, before the final true oil finish? (I don't mind that the true oil darkens the finish a little bit)
DMRACO said:
Are you going for a burst? 

I have always rubbed my dyes with great success

not a burst this time... just transparent brown-ish :)
what process did you follow? ever used it in combination with true oil?

forgot to mention, I am using Transtint concetrated dye, which can be diluted by either water or alcohol. the body will be swamp ash and flame maple
I used Stewmac conc with water...I have detailed files with photos and would be happy to send.  I did a combo of tobacco brown and vintage amber that turned out well...but you can swap the colors out.  

Send me a PM I will forward the photos...to many to resize and post here.
I'm looking to do the same with Stew-Mac dyes! What are you using to apply the stain with? A rag, paint brush, or a sponge? Would you send me pics of your project?
DMRACO said:
I used Stewmac conc with water...I have detailed files with photos and would be happy to send.  I did a combo of tobacco brown and vintage amber that turned out well...but you can swap the colors out.  

Send me a PM I will forward the photos...to many to resize and post here.

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