as long as I can remember, I've been using seymour duncan pickups, with occasional visits to other companies, such as wizard, bareknuckle, or 'jon moore pickups'. the only dimarzio I still have is the air norton in a les paul, as a set.
but why? whats 'wrong' with dimarzio that puts me so off?! My association with SD is that their pickups sound clear, transparant, articulate, and dimarzio's are a bit warmer, fuzzier, less dynamic, less transparant and a bit 'cheap'.
thats the same notion I get from the users at the duncan forum, but why? what spawned this separation/thought?
the reason I ask is because I want to buy a dimarzio superdistortion and an x2n and give them the 'hybrid treatement'. (swap coils). but I'm afraid that dimarzio's sound is just plain, dull and boring
but why? whats 'wrong' with dimarzio that puts me so off?! My association with SD is that their pickups sound clear, transparant, articulate, and dimarzio's are a bit warmer, fuzzier, less dynamic, less transparant and a bit 'cheap'.
thats the same notion I get from the users at the duncan forum, but why? what spawned this separation/thought?
the reason I ask is because I want to buy a dimarzio superdistortion and an x2n and give them the 'hybrid treatement'. (swap coils). but I'm afraid that dimarzio's sound is just plain, dull and boring