
Double Cut Tele


Senior Member
This would be kinda cool.

I'm with ya as to double cutaways; the max-coverage pickguard, not so much.  Nice PhotoChop.

I'm digging the max-coverage pickguard. Make the pickguard out of clear acrylic, with one of those weird wire holes in the body to the neck puppy, make the body out of Mahogany or Rosewood, and call it a day.
The pickguard needlessly covers the upper horn, and it's too symmetrical looking.
Needlessly covers the upper horn? You're not strumming hard enough. :)


It is really symmetrical though. If someone were to build this, they'd need to get a "snakehead tele" neck with 3+3 tuners, and a bridge cover to hide the slanted bridge pickup, so it would be like a mirror image... other than the control plate and string gauge differences.
Biggus Pickus said:
Needlessly covers the upper horn? You're not strumming hard enough. :)


It is really symmetrical though. If someone were to build this, they'd need to get a "snakehead tele" neck with 3+3 tuners, and a bridge cover to hide the slanted bridge pickup, so it would be like a mirror image... other than the control plate and string gauge differences.

Absolutely no way on putting a disgusting ashtray on the bridge! I'll find out where you live and destroy the guitar while you're at work, and then sue you for raping my eyes with the hideousness. :tard:

Go with a humbucker rather than a single coil bridge pickup. Also, as with all guitars, it needs a Floyd.
i think CB suggested this a while ago and i dug up a picture from USACG's forum. i'll see if i can find it again

EDIT: here you go

Better yet, I'll make a blank "dummy" control plate for the other side...


and get a set of all plain steel Nashville Tuning strings! Total symmetry will be achieved!!!
Biggus Pickus said:
Better yet, I'll make a blank "dummy" control plate for the other side...


and get a set of all plain steel Nashville Tuning strings! Total symmetry will be achieved!!!

Are you going to give it two tremolo arms and double straplocks with a jack on both sides? :blob7:
Tremolos are for the weak fingered. But I will flatten the other side and add an auxiliary jack. Then I can play through 2 amps at once! :guitarplayer2: :guitarplayer2:
"horns", "wangers", "left hand close to nut","wanking away"..........just what EXACTLY are we discussing here gentlemen?  :icon_scratch:  :laughing7: