
Dominger Pickups?


Senior Member
I ordered a set of their pickups on their ebay promotion.  God only knows when they'll arrive.  I bought them on a whim since they were about half price.


Anyone have any opinion?  I went with the stinger, hippie and single shot.  They just need to replace a set of fender tex mex pickups.  My am std is nice and clean.  I want this guitar to be dirty.  I'm also thinking of the mojotone knockouts if these do not work out.

How very slippery of you, Mr. Penguin...
Okay, I don't grok that.

Edit:  I'll open the discussion to the Mojotone kockouts.  More strat like or more p90 like?  Slowly losing my mind waiting for the domingers.  I ordered them on the 14th.  Had I noted the Dec 31-Jan 7th delivery date I wouldn't have bought them.  I want this guitar done NOW.
Well, they arrived before I could order something else.

They're a definite improvement on the Fender tex mex pickups.  Still evaluating, tho.  I've no idea how to adjust these things.  I had no (read:little) output from the hippie 68 when I started at the same pup height as the tex mex set.  Raised?  Nothing.  Lowered?  Finally got some output.  The other two are extremely hot and I've having a time trying to adjust these so positions 2 and 4 do something good.

I have a push pull on this thing so I can do bridge and neck (this is a strat style guitar) at the same time.  The was subtle with the tex mex.  Not subtle with these.

So far I'm pleased but it is early.  I reserve the right to become displeased with little warning.

I could have sworn I requested black covers...

The hippie 68 lasted about a day.  The other two sound quite nice but the guitar is waiting for a replacement hippie 68.  Since I haven't heard from anyone since I said I sent it back for replacement who knows what is going to happen with that.

Leaning towards a mojotone classic to replace the hippie 68.

-15 degrees and windy out right now.  House feels way drafty tonite.
Figured I should provide closure even though I think I'm the only person to read this thread.

I did get a hippie 58 replacment.  The Dominger pickups are nice but not really subtle.  They dirty up nicely but do not provide real clean tones.  If I had to do it again I think it would be hippie 68, hippie 68 and single shot.

DarkPenguin said:
The hippie 68 lasted about a day.  The other two sound quite nice but the guitar is waiting for a replacement hippie 68.  Since I haven't heard from anyone since I said I sent it back for replacement who knows what is going to happen with that.

Leaning towards a mojotone classic to replace the hippie 68.

-15 degrees and windy out right now.  House feels way drafty tonite.
Just to restart this conversation with myself I'd like to mention that I picked up a hippie 68, hippie 68 and stinger ii set.  (I love ebay.)

This set is way more civilized than the stinger, hippie 68 and single shot.  Nice range.  Clear highs.  Good low end.  The stinger ii is a nice kick in the butt when you want it.  The previous set (on my black guitar) are very nice but very un-strat-like.  These are very at home in a strat.

Pleased.  Between these and finally doing a proper setup I  am pleased.  The finish I did on this one is coming off which isn't great but at least the guitar sounds and plays great.

I looked at the site and saw the dude playing the 68 hippies. They sounded solid to me. I bet your stoked. When I built my guitar I put a set of humbuckers in it which I love but I also want a strat now that is a bit more strat sounding. Looks like another good set to consider. The bare knuckle mothers milk are on top of my list though.
Surf n Music said:
I looked at the site and saw the dude playing the 68 hippies. They sounded solid to me. I bet your stoked. When I built my guitar I put a set of humbuckers in it which I love but I also want a strat now that is a bit more strat sounding. Looks like another good set to consider. The bare knuckle mothers milk are on top of my list though.
I'm pretty pleased with them.  They completely changed that guitar.

I need to try some roadhouse next.
Another followup to this one.

I build a Tweed Deluxe clone.  There is a thing that hates that amp and it is my black warmoth strat and the stinger, hippie 68 and single shot.  There is a thing that loves amp and it is my mighty mite/fender strat and the hippie 68, hippie 68 and stinger ii.  (My american standard and its vintage noiseless also quite like this amp.  And my prs se 245.  My se santana with dominger whiskysippis not so much.  Nastier the pickups the less this amp seems to like them.)

Going to put a 68, 68, stinger ii set into my black strat I think.  My blues junior and h+k like the stinger, 68 and single shot but I'm not playing those amps much.