
Dollar Shave Club... awesome?!?! Awesome.


Hero Member

The video rules.  I'm signing up, though I hear it has taken some people a couple months to get started.  I hope it kicks as much ass as it seems like.

That video definately rules.  Pity I only change my blades every 2-3 months.  I know some people that rip thru them much much faster.
(I also have been known to use guitar strings for longer than a year)
line6man said:
I sharpen my own blades on a bench grinder. :icon_jokercolor:

You should use the sidewalk or your driveway, like I do. Saves even more since you don't have to pay for electricity.

Of course, you could just let your facial hair grow out, but then the first thing anyone would think when they looked at you would be "that guy never shaves!"

That's like saying "That guy never brushes his teeth!".

I know, right?
Cagey said:
line6man said:
I sharpen my own blades on a bench grinder. :icon_jokercolor:

You should use the sidewalk or your driveway, like I do. Saves even more since you don't have to pay for electricity.

Of course, you could just let your facial hair grow out, but then the first thing anyone would think when they looked at you would be "that guy never shaves!"

That's like saying "That guy never brushes his teeth!".

I know, right?

Dryer lint makes a great toothbrush, and saves money.
It's not just the money, it's the planet you're saving. Think of the children!
i usually have a beard out of lazyness and it's strange, people seem to think i should keep it and loose it at the same time. my facial hair grows really evenly and it looks groomed 90% of the time, when it looks messy i don't bother with the grooming i just shave it all off till 2 month later. no matter what i look like people say i look better that way than the other, it's not just niceness because i have been told i look weird the opposite way which seems odd if they are just being nice. well shaving once every 2 months means i dont spend much on razors at all. and apparently they last longer if you put them in a cup with cooking oil or mineral oil so they don't rust. i could probably keep a single razor for 1-2 years if i did that!

as far as saving the planet for our children, well im not sure i believe all that global warming stuff. not that i don't think it's possible but the popular evidence is weak. the ice records that show a corrolation between carbon and temperature is interesting but correlation doesnt prove cause and effect, it may be common cause, or less likely a total coincidence. it's evidence but not proof. not to mention that water vapor is a bigger greenhouse gas than carbon and humans produce only a small % of carbon released in the atmosphere, not that a small amount of something over a long time can't accumulate. the real problem i have with the global warming agenda is that they target the consumer, and consumer products not the canadian nickel mining for the batteries that go into the "green" electric/hybrid cars or industry in china where our products are made. nope, they just pass regulation that makes companies take manufacturing to countries with less regulation taking jobs away from americans and put guilt on consumers who are assumed to be using dead dinosurs to power everything. it might be easier to swallow global warming if it wasn't for all the alarmist techniques and hypocritical behavior that makes it suspect. i care about polution and the planet and all, i mean i want my water drinkable and rain to not be acid and no garbage in my yard and i like the ozone layer to keep some uv from giving me cancer(though im not sure we did that either the crazy chemicals we use are uncalled for, i'm probably suspect of this one becasue al gore claims his lawmaking is responsible for fixing it.) but as far as greenhouse effects go i need more better information before i subscribe to a belief. i understand climate change is apparent and measureable but i have seen articles from the 1950's predicting climate change with no mention of greenhouse effects or carbon,the correlation between the petroleum usage today and climate change may not be cause and effect.

also i understand the comments are tongue in cheek. i guess i was just in a ranty mood tonight.

The moment you realize the drummers name is Frank Beard your brain may implode.
>> as far as saving the planet for our children, well im not sure i believe all that global warming stuff.

This probably isn't the place to discuss such things, but I can't let a comment like yours go unanswered.

Although the jury is still out in my mind, I can accept that global warming may be taking place. After all, it's not without precedent. The evidence clearly shows that the earth has been periodically warming up and cooling off for many millions of years. What is unacceptable is the idea that it's anthropologically caused, or that it can be controlled. To suddenly blame the current trend (assuming there is one) on what mankind has been doing over the last 100 years or so, or that we can influence that trend, is simply ludicrous. May as well bark at the moon.

Of course, there's no money in that. Or, is there? Hmmm...
TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
Waxing by duct tape = smooth hairless skin. :icon_scratch:

If you use the dollar store variety, the sticky residue left behind conveniently allows your skin to catch flies. As you know, fly traps are very expensive these days.
I might have to get in on this once I get done with my baseball regular season/post-season beard.
Cagey said:
>> as far as saving the planet for our children, well im not sure i believe all that global warming stuff.

This probably isn't the place to discuss such things, but I can't let a comment like yours go unanswered.

Although the jury is still out in my mind, I can accept that global warming may be taking place. After all, it's not without precedent. The evidence clearly shows that the earth has been periodically warming up and cooling off for many millions of years. What is unacceptable is the idea that it's anthropologically caused, or that it can be controlled. To suddenly blame the current trend (assuming there is one) on what mankind has been doing over the last 100 years or so, or that we can influence that trend, is simply ludicrous. May as well bark at the moon.

Of course, there's no money in that. Or, is there? Hmmm...

that's more or less what i meant. i am actually open to the idea that we took a part in it, a small part, but the evidence that is put out to the public is weak. they may have better evidence somewhere but i haven't seen it. till then i look at warming as more of a natural disaster, it'll pass after so many years or generations just like the ozone layer doesn't have a hole anymore (al gore acknowledges this and even takes credit for it, what an arogant ass!) we'll have to adapt and overcome like anything else.
My handsome ass grandfather did have one blade, not polio, and killed Nazis. 

My beard is starting to get the gray hairs that don't want to do what the others are doing.  It literally does add 10 years to my appearance.  I'm currently keeping it the longest it's ever been, much to the glaring contempt of Mrs. STDC, who is on record as saying, "You don't have to be a preppy, but you also don't have to look like an extra on Game of Thrones."
4 Words. Double Edged Safety Razor.  20 cents a blade or less, close shave, less packaging. The markup and disposable waste that goes into razors is absolutely mind boggling.
swarfrat said:
The markup and disposable waste that goes into razors is absolutely mind boggling.

No kidding. Warner-Lambert (Schick) sent me a sample of their latest magical 31-blade closer-than-dammit shaver a couple years ago, and I was quite impressed with the performance. So, when it came time to buy more blades, I just went down the sundries aisle at the local super-mega-grocery store and grabbed a pack of replacements. Didn't realize until after I got home and was reviewing the receipt that I paid $25 FREAKIN' DOLLARS FOR A 5-PACK OF BLADES!!

I didn't take them back because I really do like them, but I swore by the dessicated balls of Tutankhamun that I'd never buy them again.

Of course, I had to break my vow because even though they're outrageously expensive, they really do a fantastic job and they seem to last a lot longer than what I'm used to with disposable blades. I can make a blade last 6-8 weeks, especially since the electric is always around for perfunctory trims and touch-ups.
It started out as 'packaging waste' but I decided most people would think that meant the plastic that it comes wrapped in, rather than the more inclusive meaning I had - handles, cartridge head plastic, etc..

Single bladed disposable razors really are just scrapers. But a nice DE razor actually does a fantastic job once you have a few shaves worth of  experience. (Almost used a rather unfortunate phrase for that one. )  Unforunately most people associate single blade with 'disposable bic razor'. 
swarfrat said:
4 Words. Double Edged Safety Razor.  20 cents a blade or less, close shave, less packaging. The markup and disposable waste that goes into razors is absolutely mind boggling.

I just switched to one recently and I highly recommend them. They're fantastic, and the only thing that feels better than the shave they give you is knowing that you're not spending a crapload of money on proprietary seven-blade razor cartridges.