
Dog ear P-90?


Hero Member
Quick question, do dog ears fit in the same rout as soapbars? I figure they will, and that you just mount them differently, but hey I've been wrong before.
Dog-ears still need routing, but it doesn't need to be as big since it only has to accomodate the pickup and not the cover. So don't assume that a soapbar will fit in a space routed for a dog-ear.

The Stew Mac site has some dimensions for the covers:


From that it appears a dog-ear should cover a soapbar rout completely.
rapfohl09 said:
Good to hear, you can't have a LP Jr. without a dog ear P-90 :icon_thumright:

You can if you're as stupid as I am. Of course, I didn't think so at the time. Back then, they weren't considered "vintage" guitars, they were the cheapies that guys that couldn't afford real Les Pauls bought. I got mine used, and almost immediately dumped that noisy P90 for a humbucker and changed out the tuners. A little while later, I got it refretted with something useful and repainted the thing. At that point, it was a useful guitar, which I played for a while. Ultimately, it got used as trade bait for something else, I don't remember what. But, it was probably nothing anybody would want today. Although, you never know. Some guys will buy anything if it's old and dysfunctional enough.
We rout a regular P90 rout for the dog ear P90s. The magnet hangs down into the rout while dog ears mount to the surface of the guitar.