
Does no nut mean no nut slot?


I just received two necks that I bought from Warmoth. In the drop down menu for the nut, I picked the no nut option. I did this because I was planning to route a weird cut for a wilkinson roller nut which was popular on Fender guitars in the late 80s and 90s.

When I got my necks today, both of them had nut slots for normal bone style nuts. Did Warmoth mess up my order or is it impossible to get necks with no nut cuts at all?

I need to measure everything and see if this messes up my build. Hopefully I can still route out the area but I'm not sure if the depth of the existing bone nut slots is too deep or not deep enough.
No. The nut slots are usual and standard when you order with no nut.

The nut slot provided is for a standard Fender type nut. If you need to rout for a Wilkinson or LSR nut it would be no different than removing a standard nut on a Fender and measuring and cutting as required for the wider roller nut. The leading edge of the existing nut slot can be used as a correct datum to start with for the 0 position of the scale length.

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I just looked at it and it does seem like it should be okay because the nut slot cut into the neck isn't very deep. It's just weird that the no nut option would still have a slot cut. The way the drop down menu is designed makes it seems like the options are preps for the different nuts. I think now looking at it again, Warmoth must be offering full nuts already installed into the prepped area. LRS is the only one with "prep" next to the wording so I'm not sure if that option comes with an LRS nut or just the nut cut.

I wish there was a "No prep cut" option in that menu because that's what I thought I was ordering.
The Modern Tiltback constructions don't have a slot with back walls - it's just open - not sure how this would make things easier or harder possibly for your build. I used a truss rod cover that another Warmoth member made from simple wooden tongue depressors to also help create a back wall to prevent sliding of the nut - something the regular included cover also might suffice for.
I just looked at it and it does seem like it should be okay because the nut slot cut into the neck isn't very deep. It's just weird that the no nut option would still have a slot cut. The way the drop down menu is designed makes it seems like the options are preps for the different nuts. I think now looking at it again, Warmoth must be offering full nuts already installed into the prepped area. LRS is the only one with "prep" next to the wording so I'm not sure if that option comes with an LRS nut or just the nut cut.

I wish there was a "No prep cut" option in that menu because that's what I thought I was ordering.

This is the first time anyone has had such a confusion to my knowledge.

For clarity, in case anyone else is wondering. Here are some typical options for a Vintage Modern showcase neck, which is pictured with the standard nut slot. The standard nut slot is done by CNC for accuracy along with the fret slots.

It is No Nut Install or a choice of nuts and their costs. LSR Prep is the preparation of the existing standard nut slot for an LSR nut which is not included but is purchased separately either from Warmoth or elsewhere.


A Modern construction neck will also have options for preparations for Floyd Rose nuts also purchased separately. Example below.


Also see as posted earlier.

The Modern Tiltback constructions don't have a slot with back walls - it's just open - not sure how this would make things easier or harder possibly for your build.

It would not make a difference, the slot would still need to be widened towards the 1st fret to accommodate the extra width of a Wilkinson or LSR style roller nut. And then those nuts are not really designed for use on a tilt back.