
Does anyone here ever go in a Wal-Mart?

Jumble Jumble

Hero Member
...and would you be willing to buy something in that Wal-Mart and post it to me? They are getting a Wal-Mart exclusive "ZinePak" of the new Katy Perry album Prism* on October 22, which will be impossible to get in the UK. It has a sew-on patch in it and my little boy absolutely loves both patches and Katy Perry. And I think it has some other kids' toys in there too, stickers and temporary tattoos.

It would be a gigantic favour and I could perhaps repay it by sending you something that you can only get in the UK, like, say, 9 months of rain. Or some Marmite. I would be really grateful!

* yeah, I'm assuming that when I put the CD on it's going to hack into all the computers in my house and upload the contents to the NSA
Got one near my house. (Who doesn't these days, right??) Shoot me a PM and I'll take a look when it comes out. Ours isn't huge, but there are others in the SD area that are and should have it.
I can back Mike up if need be. If this is some kind of weird limited thing, I may have to bring the cattle prod to fight my way through the hordes of teenage girls, but I live in a small enough town that a horde is only five people... beep me around the 20th or so.
I can be the third line of defense if options 1 and 2 don't work out for any reason.