
Does anyone have a pic of the PRS model Warmoth used to have?

Lucky #7

Hero Member
I am just curious to see it.  I had asked them if they were ever going to do one the other day and they said they already had and were told to cut it out.
Here's a refinish job I got cheap off eBay, patiently waiting for lacquer weather to finish...

Lucky #7 said:
I am just curious to see it.  I had asked them if they were ever going to do one the other day and they said they already had and were told to cut it out.

It's still on the website: http://www.warmoth.com/guitar/bodies/vip.cfm
Thanks.  I saw that one and thought it was PRS like, but when he said they had to stop making it I thought maybe they had had one that was a dead on replica like the LP.
Yes, they had it... but I don't know when...
I've seen a pic somewhere.... here:
Thanks a lot!  I was curious to see what it looked like.  It's too bad they don't make it anymore as I definitely would have picked one up.