
Does Anybody do inlays?


Hero Member
Well for my next build im wanting to have some custom inlays done.
I got in contact with the english place im planning to have do the body paint
(Which they say for the black paint going on and the decal work would cost £395 or $608.... Twice the cost of the body including shipping about!  :sad:)
And they said that for inlay work it could cost £25 or $38 a inlay. Well this also seems alot, is it?  :dontknow:
Just curious if any of you do inlay work and could offer me a better quote at all?
Ill post the picture of the inlay i would want doing on friday when im back, as i already know the drawing, just need to get the picture of it.

P.S I dont suppose any of you do decals and paintjobs and could possibly do it cheaper than $608? ill post a rough picture of the decal work too when i get it.

Inlay work is pretty expensive. I have had this guy --> http://www.sharkinlay.com/main.htm  do a couple of jobs for me. He does good work and his customer service is outstanding. But it isn't cheap.
Hmmm good point,
Well so far for this neck im thinking either get black binding and black block inlays from warmoth, which would set me at $200/£129
And for sake of argument lets say i did the usual frets including first fret to make it to ten inlays for a deluxe five neck, that would be £250/$385
So about double what a more normal inlay from warmoth would be, but then again if i do all the custom work now it saves me having a spare neck.. though that would go on another bass in future :headbang1:
Plus the place would need to do the fretwork as they would need the neck with no frets i bet,
Alternatively i could comprimise and just do a inlay at the 12th fret and only cost 25 for the whole inlay haha
Pity warmoth dont do custom inlays or else id love for them to do just one custom at the 12th and have the others as black blocks still but oh well

Mind you if anyone on this forum could do decal and paint work for less than there asking problem solved maybe,
Depending how much less it is.
Hey bud, I really think $38 per inlay isn't that bad considering the labor involved in fitting an inlay!  It is definately time consuming.  Warmoth will do just a 12th fret inlay for you, so long as it is one of the inlays they offer.  I know they don't do custom inlays, as they don't do them by hand, they are done on the CNC machine.......

I wish I could do your inlay work for you, but I don't do inlays on fretboards.  I'll inlay anything you want into a body or headstock, but I avoid fretboard inlays like a frat boy avoids a fat chick!  One of the few jobs I don't do on a guitar!!!
Hmm yeah thats true, and ah right cheers, well nice example :laughing8:
and hmm well depending how the money stacks up hoping to have this done by next winter,
i might just go with block inlays and binding from warmoth and quite possibly ask you to do an inlay on the headstock,
as im thinking the frets might be a bit too much going on now i think of it with custom inlays.
But a headstock inlay sounds good, so ill keep you posted  :icon_thumright:
Ill be making a mock up of the entire guitar once the designs have been made
so im going to post a version with binding and blocks and with the customs to see what you guys think to
As the neckwork is going to be a surprise to the girl doing the actual artwork for the body
But now i think of it an inlay in the headstock might be tasteful and not too customised,