
DIY 'Washed' Finish


Junior Member
As I've also succumbed to the SC1 sale I wanted to ask about the washed finishes made popular by PRS, and bettered by Warmoth.  I've searched for an answer on how to do this, but can't seem to find a definitive one.  Is it just a stain, sand back, lacquer?  Or is there something more complex to this process?
I have done a washed finish.  Depending on what you wanted to do and wood will change the process.  Typicially you dye the wood and sand back.  Depending on the desired final color, this could be done 1-3 times.  What color are you looking for?  Can you post a pick?
I am aiming for something like this http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=16511.0.  This blew my mind when I saw it but the body I bought is quilted rather than flamed maple, will this have the same effect.  I'd post a pic of the body I bought but I'm not sure how to do this now it's no longer in the showcase?!?
something like this??

this can be achieved easily.  Buy blue dye.  I recommend this..

Mix it full strength as diected on the label and dye the maple.  Let dry.  Sand back with 400.  How much you sand back it up to you.  the more you sand, the more of a washed look you will get.  At this point if the look you want is achieved, stop and clear.  You also have the option of applying more dye.  I have done this with a less concentrated dye mixture.  Understand?

Can you find a scrap piece to practice on??
That's exactly the info I was after, thanks. I'd been reading I would need to stain it white, sand it back, stain it blue, sand it back etc etc. Glad it's not as tricky as I thought. It's pretty tricky to get colortone dyes here in the UK, but I'm pretty sure I'll find something similar.

Thanks again for the clarification, now the wait for the body begins.
You can "bleach" the maple 1st.  I think it depend on the color of your original.  Can you post a pick?

here are some photos of a ALL maple tele I did that was not bleached...I did a washed look on the center.  Keep in mind that this is wild maple and hold the dye differently.

Keep in mind a quilt maple will look alot better...



I'll post a pic when it gets here, not getting anything done to it so hopefully it'll be winging its way here soon.  I've just picked up 4 quilted maple veneers to have a practice on before I try it on the guitar itself.  I might even try a few different colours to see what happens.  Washed purple dye???