
DIY Author Wanted for GuitarKitBuilder.com


I'm looking for a DIY author who might like to write for GuitarKitBuilder. Possible topics could be to describe a build of a Warmoth project, reviews of kit projects, general how-to tips for kit building, how to mod or design a circuit etc. Should be written for the general guitar, amp and pedal/effects enthusiast. I'm not sure if you can PM through this board, but PM me if possible or contact me through the contact us link on the site. See our writer's guidelines on the site if interested. Thanks.
How Much does it Pay?

or do you want us to write articles for free so your site grows and you get the advertisement money?

What I am driving at is if you want professional writing, you will need to compensate. After all you are a business and are looking for advertisers.
With out compensation you are going to end up with a lot of amateurish articles, full of non researched material and be just another one of the myriad of spam a search engine pulls up.
Get off the Duff, and Pay. The hard work others put into your site, so you can collect from advertisers needs to be compensated for. I see how you already have a department up to attract advertisers, and a department stating you can not pay for submissions.

So From that I see you want us to work for free so you can collect money.

There are scammers at every corner. 
I think Warmoth should put out an unofficial general guitar building guide using the members on this forum and the expertise that they bring.  I've read some killer threads on finishing techniques, electronics, troubleshooting, etc...

Or maybe we can have a 'best of' section for these threads.  just a thought
All good points Jusatele makes. 

If you are truely interested in learning how to build a guitar, why not just hang around here, or arrange with the mods to link your site with this one?  You could get a complete education on guitar building here.  Of course you wouldn't make any money off it, but you and the people on your website would end up with a great guitar if you follow the advice here.  :guitaristgif:
Well, I think that they state their position fairly:

While GKB is in its initial growth phase we are not able to compensate authors financially. We currently offer the following as alternate forms of compensation:

    * Provide site-wide links to the author’s website(s)
    * Provide a title to the author on our Masthead commensurate with contributions
    * Provide the author with an ongoing featured blog and direct content creation privileges
    * Use the author as a primary recipient for test products and kits to build and review

As we grow we expect our advertising base to increase to the point where we will pay authors directly for content.

I mean, either you want to, or not - there may be some people who are attracted enough by the potential of "test products" and quasi-fame to jump on it, and there's no reason to get hostile.  Gee, we are the right group of experts to have our butts sniffed, huh? :hello2:

Having said that, I am a professional writer and my rate is $25 an hour. PM as needed....
stubhead said:
Well, I think that they state their position fairly:

While GKB is in its initial growth phase we are not able to compensate authors financially. We currently offer the following as alternate forms of compensation:

    * Provide site-wide links to the author’s website(s)
    * Provide a title to the author on our Masthead commensurate with contributions
    * Provide the author with an ongoing featured blog and direct content creation privileges
    * Use the author as a primary recipient for test products and kits to build and review

As we grow we expect our advertising base to increase to the point where we will pay authors directly for content.

I mean, either you want to, or not - there may be some people who are attracted enough by the potential of "test products" and quasi-fame to jump on it, and there's no reason to get hostile.  Gee, we are the right group of experts to have our butts sniffed, huh? :hello2:

Having said that, I am a professional writer and my rate is $25 an hour. PM as needed....
So, being a professional writer you are willing to take nothing for a article?
I call it a scam, Any periodical is going pay a lot more than 25 Dollars an hour, and is going pay for all submissions. What is happening here is some guy is collecting money already, and wants someone else to do the work so he can collect more.
If he started this unfunded, then  he started it as a fool or expecting everyone else to be a fool
What ever happens, He already has adds, He is already collecting money, and he wants us to use our hard work, our expertise, to get articles so he can collect more and give us none.
GO ahead and make a submission, and let him collect money.
I have seen people rip others off before, this will not be the last time.