

big bob

Hero Member
I made some dice control knobs today, I like how they turned out.. what do you guys think To dice or not to Dice

I also converted a small spark plug to act as the selector switch, but it ended up just too big.. maybe I can find a smaller one as I really like the idea..

No dice, its just not traditional looking. But thats just my opinion, its your guitar, not mine (although it would be cool if it was  :laughing7:)
I saw 'Dice' and came running!
im just gonna geek out here and present the idea of experimenting with different die styles (d4, d8, and the like)...im not too sure everyone has those as readily available as the d6's youve attached, but it's an idea  :toothy11:
ledzepplin6914 said:
normally id say no dice, but on this it fits

+1. normally i'd smile politely and leave the thread, but those are kind of cool. especially since you made them yourself. the normal dice knobs are way too big i think. they just look strange
Well, why not? They certainly wouldn't be the weirdest knobs I've seen. The last "outside the box" set I saw were made out of bottle caps from 40 ounce Colt .45 Malt Liquor bottles. I wish I had a picture for you guys, but we tossed them. One of my brothers managed to find a Gibson Les Paul locally that this kid had made all sorts of those kinds of mods to. The guy couldn't sell it for much more than scrap, so my brother bought it for fun. One of these days, he's going to use it as a test bed as I teach him how to install/level frets. The same guitar had a truss rod cover made by cutting out the logo from a can of Labatt's Blue. Clearly, the guy was a beer lover <grin> Accounts for the poor decisions he made about what looks good and works on a Paul <grin>

Personally, I don't think there's a better set of knobs extant than the barrel-shaped knurled knobs you see on most Telecasters. I put those on anything where I have a choice.
The dice look pretty cool to me, not a fan of the sparkplug though, looks unwieldly and a bit rough.
Either the dice or the sparkplug could work, especially with a graphic theme, but I saw them together and was thinking "huh? dice, motors, am I missing a joke?" I'm not crazy about the dice on the switches,
The spark plug was just to see if I could do it, it's way too big.. and I think it's the smallest one made.. thanks for the comments. And not to worry cagey I always keep all original parts should I want to sell at a later date. This is just for me it completes my weird strat/les paul/kramer rock-a-billy guitar. 
If you can't find a smaller spark plug, you could get a small cylinder/glow plug from an R/C airplane. Those things can get really small.  :icon_thumright:
They look pretty good to me actually, which is surprising, btw I am absolutely in love with that guitar
I say no dice. It comes off cheesy, and the guitar is far too nice for that.

Disclaimer: I'm Atlantic City born and raised, and dice on ANYTHING automatically reminds me of all the crap tourists come here and buy.
im digging the dice, i like that they are all drilled at different angles, it looks much better than flat drilling all of them

big bob said:
The spark plug was just to see if I could do it, it's way too big.. and I think it's the smallest one made.. thanks for the comments. And not to worry cagey I always keep all original parts should I want to sell at a later date. This is just for me it completes my weird strat/les paul/kramer rock-a-billy guitar.

that's definitely one of the shorter ones out there, modern motorcycles and atvs have plugs with 10mm threads very similar to plugs used in formula 1 and are less bulky but at least as long as that weed eater plug or longer.

as far as model airplanes go, glow plugs dont look enough like sparkplus but in the early days they made engines like this
try searching garage sales and hobby shops for vintage engines you might find something

also large scale models still use spark plugs... 
but there a bit bigger, maybe not too big for a selector switch though
Hey Thanks, I'm always on the lookout for something to tap and die...I may need to hit the hobby shop. 