
Delivery time.


Junior Member

I used the custom builder to order Strat body and neck some time ago. I hope it´s coming near the end of my wait because next week is week 12.

Both neck and body are getting paint and finish and the body gets Ivory bindings (Birdseye maple on mahogany, Unique choice top). Neck is Warmoth Pro, 59 roundback, MOP inlays, SS frets.

I´m not getting impatient or anything, just wandering if you guys have had to wait much longer that 12 weeks for your custom builds?

Last month the wait was getting long, so I cooled myself down by putting together a Tele from the Showcase. Only 6 day delevery. :)

Welcome to the forum  :icon_thumright:
I ordered a showcase neck that was raw and did not require anything extra and it came out pretty fast, all the way from America to Scotland in about 2 weeks from order date. My guess would be that if you have options that are more technical, put together with perhaps a busy time at warmoth then I'm sure 12 weeks is not too bad at all, but others on here might have a different experience. The best thing to do would be to contact warmoth directly, they will be able to tell you the exact status on your order. I've had great customer service from them and I'm pretty sure they will get straight on it for you.

Good Luck
I got email from UPS that the order is schedualed to arrive tomorrow, and if it does then it´s precisely 12 weeks since I placed the order, to the day. :)

Good times. :)
