Danelectro Pedals


Senior Member
Anybody have any Danelectro pedals?  How do they work?  I have been trolling around Fleabay and you can find these cheap.........  Is there a reason other than they have a pretty low retail to start?  Or are they junk?  Just curious..........

I am looking at the 'Rocky Road' pedal, says it recreates the sound of a Lesile speaker.  I was just wandering if I would be wasting my money.......  There are some other models I am looking at too, but this one first.  Who knows, if I like them, I will get some different models to try out............

Thoughts, please.......

Biggest thing I look for in an effects pedal is price.  I have never spent more than $20 for an effects pedal and I don't plan on starting to spend more, I thought these might just be up my alley
I just got around to modding an old Daddy-O overdrive pedal.  In its stock form it was horrible, harsh and buzzy with too much gain for barely turning the knob.   I almost threw it away....but thankfully I kept it (the case is bulletproof, I thought I'd scavenge it).   It's fantastic modded and the 3 band EQ actually works now.

But back to the topic at hand. I have a few Danelectro pedals.   The metal housings on some of the full sized ones are nice, like the Dan-Echo (I like this one).   The mini-pedals tend to the cheap and flimsy side. The Rocky Road is one of the mini-pedals with the thin plastic case, so I wouldn't stomp too hard on it.  I do hear that they mod well and although they are one trick ponies, they do their one trick well.

Edit: Grammar
I had the daddy-o as well.  I was not as forgiving as Blue - I sold the sucker soon after getting it.

Been happy with my ProCo Rat for a long while now.  BTW, speaking of cheap OD pedals, I hear that there's an MXR Distortion + that's for sale cheap somewhere...
MFly,  Ok buddy I smell what you are steppin in, let me see if I can hijack the wifes Credit Card...........  I'll be in touch.

I kind of figured that these were a "get what you pay for" situation  But I am all for learining how to mod pedals, so maybe these might just be the trick.  I have found some on ebay for under $10 shipped, so a $10 spot isn't so bad to play around with tone.  Plus I like the names of some of the pedals, chicken salad, root beer, pastrami, spaghetti and meatballs, cheeseburger, milkshake, black licorice, pumpkin pie, cheese pizza, tuna noodle casserole, pot roast, fish and chips. 

Oh well I was just kicking tires on the 'bay.  Figured I would get some input from the tone junkies on my favorite board.........

Thanks for the opinions, I was looking for a cheap way to add some different aspects to my tone, but as I said before sometimes 'you get what you pay for'
I have a tuna melt, one of the mini pedals in the cheap plastic.  Yes, very cheap plastic.  I bought it for a one time gig in which my band was doing nothing but covers of The Cramps.  You really can't do The Cramps without tremelo, and at the time I didn't have one, so this 25$ wonder came into my life.  I bought it brand new and one of the switches did not work right out of the box, but I needed it that night.  So, I used it, it worked alright at best, got me through the Cramps thing.  I've never used it again, and can't seem to give it away.  How's that for a glowing review?
Louie,  the more I hear about these pedals the more I think I'll save my money and buy some better stuff.

You say it gave you cramps while trying to play the cramps, Huh?  Kinda made me chuckle.

BTW if you are looking for someone to give that tuna melt to, I would do you that favor...... PM me we can work something out if you like.........

Again guys thanks for the input, I do really appreciate it.
Klanch, my man, you can have it.  Like I said, there is a mini-toggle on it that is supposed to go between slow, and fast, but fast is the only one that ever worked.  Probably a very easy fix, I just never bothered.  I even have the box it came in.  Shoot me your address and I'll see what it would cost to ship it to ya. 
I've got an old cool cat chorus.. it isn't a bad chorus.. but its nothing special.. 6 of 10.
Good Morning!!!

Ok so I like to collect 'whole runs' of things.  Mostly stupid little things, and usually it isn't stuff that is very expensive.  I have a few band's entire album catalogs on CD which ebay has helped quite a bit to fill in bits and pieces.  So for some reason or other I started looking at these Dan-o mini pedals and I kinda want all of them.  I don't know how much I'll really use some of them, I'll start out with the ones that I am really interested in using and I'll go from there.  I'm in no hurry either to find them.  I'll look on ebay for super deals and if anyone has any of these that they decide they want to part with, you know you have someone that is interested...........

A list of the interesting names for these Danelectro mini pedals:

Pastrami Overdrive
T-Bone Distortion
BLT Slap Echo
Corned Beef Reverb
Tuna Melt Tremolo
Hash Browns Flanger
Pepperoni Phaser
Milkshake Chorus
Surf and Turf Compressor
Grilled Cheese Distortion
Pedal Tuner
Chili Dog Octave
Fish and Chips 7 Band EQ
Chicken Salad Vibrato
French Toast Octave Distortion
Bacon'N'Eggs Mini Amp/Distortion
PB&J Delay
Rocky Road Spinning Speaker
Black Coffee Metal Distortion
French Fries Auto-Wah
Black Licorice Beyond Metal

This one isn't a mini pedal but I'd like to try it out:

Free Speech Talk Box
Also anyone played any of these specific pedals want to tell me how they sound and what works and what doesn't I would appreciate it!!!
I picked up a couple at the Musiciansfriend.com outlet store a while back, and they both completely sucked, a waste of a 9v battery, not even worth the $14.95 they were on sale for. That was the delay and flanger; both worthless. You get what you pay for...
I have a ton of these sitting in my garage.

At least five, maybe six or seven.

I tied plugging a few in last month, but most of them don't seem to work anymore. Maybe they'd work with a battery, or maybe they just need to be opened up and adjusted.

I also have a custom-fit pedal board for them and a multi-power adapter.

Off the top of my head, I think I have:

BLT Slap Echo
Tuna Melt Tremolo
Hash Browns Flanger
Pepperoni Phaser
Milkshake Chorus
Surf and Turf Compressor
Grilled Cheese Distortion
Black Licorice Beyond Metal

But I may have more or less, these ones just sound familiar to me.
exalted said:
I have a ton of these sitting in my garage.

At least five, maybe six or seven.

I tied plugging a few in last month, but most of them don't seem to work anymore. Maybe they'd work with a battery, or maybe they just need to be opened up and adjusted.

I also have a custom-fit pedal board for them and a multi-power adapter.

Off the top of my head, I think I have:

BLT Slap Echo
Tuna Melt Tremolo
Hash Browns Flanger
Pepperoni Phaser
Milkshake Chorus
Surf and Turf Compressor
Grilled Cheese Distortion
Black Licorice Beyond Metal

But I may have more or less, these ones just sound familiar to me.

Hey bro would you want to get rid of any of these or all of them?  PM me if you want to work something out......
Hey Klanch, I'm sure you know USPS was closed today, but I will send out that item tomorrow! 
Hey Louie I know, I wasn't sweating it.  How can you sweat a gift?  Thanks again my friend. 

You are a good man, and thorough...... 

Sorry I'm a little lebowski urban acheiver.

I'll let you know when it arrives bro.......

I really do appreciate it......
One last update...the Tuna Melt is out of my hands and on their way to yours via USPS.  Enjoy!