
Custom Metal Logos


Epic Member
This got mentioned on another thread and I promised to report back, so here we go.... Greg had said their metal logo supplier info was "top secret", but found this company and metal logo product on the web:


I was wanting to do my logo that I'd made some bogus waterslide decals of like the picture below in metal:


Based on my guesstimate that the size was 1.25"x2.5", I got a quote, but these puppies are EXPENSIVE... There is a one-time tooling charge of $185 and based on a minimum order (the size makes a LOT of difference) a minimal order of approx. thirty would yield an aggregate cost of about $9/logo, and larger run of 300 would take that down to $4.90/ea for 300 including the tooling charge figured in.

Don't know that they do Warmoth's but their logos are 5/8" which is the optimum based on the raw material size, may have to go back and have my graphics artist resize my logo down or redo it to fit in that form factor....

And look around for other suppliers.....
I was thinking of something like that, but Yeowwwaaa, that's just too steep right now. If you find something cheaper, let me know.
I can just imagine telling my wife, "Wife, if I make 300 Warmoth guitars, the logo only costs 4.90 a piece."
$4.90 doesn't sound too bad, if your gonna make 300 special guitars. 

I guess they keep the tooling, so the 180 or whatever is the first time cost? So cost per unit is less with each additionall order?

I can see myself finding a guitar 20-30 years from now with a "Jack's Custom Guitars" I would pay top dollar.  And I mean that, you guys mean more to me 20 years from now than a leo fender 63 strat or whatever. I say buy em at that cost and build a bunch of nice axes, Even if you break even doing it, it's fun
Anything you make is worth more money once you're dead and you can't make them any more. Some people make comments about the number of guitars I'm building, but I'm just taking money I was putting in a 401K and building guitars. Not factoring any labor in, I have no doubt I can make at least 15% on the cash I invest when I get around to start selling them, which is way better than I can do in the market these days, plus I get to build and play with a lot of cool guitars.

Even the $9 figure doesn't matter all that much when in comparison to the $900-1500 the rest of the parts costs. I'm just trying to pull that down a little bit so I can order them in gold, silver and black to match the other hardware on the guitar. Will post update on real quote on the 5/8" x 2" version of the logo, based on the optimal material usage making the logos that should bring the unit cost down considerably, will post quote after resizing logo and sending it in for exact quote. 
Boy, this is gonna sound bad, especially after I told the kid to stick his cable in his mouth and turn on the amp.

But, if you could build a bunch of guitars, nice ones, fake your own death, you could get a fortune for your inventory.

Then over the years you could have, "Newly discover Jack inventory" almost like a led zepplin reunion
Catch is, you gotta be someone famous too, just a dead average joe isn't gonna worth much.

If you are only doing one or two you might as well buy metal foils or gold leafing and cut it out with xacto knife.
Alfang said:
Boy, this is gonna sound bad, especially after I told the kid to stick his cable in his mouth and turn on the amp.

But, if you could build a bunch of guitars, nice ones, fake your own death, you could get a fortune for your inventory.

Then over the years you could have, "Newly discover Jack inventory" almost like a led zepplin reunion

yeah man you were harsh as to that guy, alfang i must say, you're becoming quite radical... and i like it ,  :party07: :headbang: :guitarplayer2:
On the other hand, sometimes spending money on something that is special might be worth it.  Besides -- you could label your amp, your case, your car, your furniture....the list goes on and on!