
Custom 3-pickup Jazzmaster (Jazz/Hum/Jazz) Help?



I've been working lately on formulating a plan on how to function and wire a Custom 3-pickup Warmoth Jazzmaster build. Unfortunately I don't have much experience with the electronics of guitars as I feel like I should this far in my experience in playing and dicking around with my guitars (14-15 years). So, please bare with me.

Essentially the idea is basically "modding" a humbucker into the stock Jazzmaster signal w/Rhythm circuit, adding a couple 500k pots for vol. and tone control for the humbucker, and placing it on a isolated spot on the 3-way toggle.

This will be the orientation of the pickups on the guitar itself: Fender Jazzmaster (Neck) Humbucker (Middle) Fender Jazzmaster (Bridge)

Volume & Tone pots, Im thinking I will have 4 total (and yes, I'll have room. I moved the input jack to the side of the guitar freeing up a bit of space on the guitar and guard). One 500k Volume Pot, and one 500k Tone pot with 022uf cap for the Humbucker. One 1M Volume Linear pot, and One 1M Tone Audio pot with .033uf for both Jazzmaster pickups (just as a stock Fender Jazzmaster).

Now for the 3-way Toggle. This is where it gets tricky i guess? Originally I was hoping to see if I can wire each pickup on an isolated position on the toggle (Up=Jazz Middle=Hum Down=Jazz). From what I've read, and heard, thats just not how it works haha. The up and down positions are the only isolated "channels" and the middle is a "blended" channel. Someone suggested I go with a Vintage Tele 3-way, or a Fender 5-way switch. Personally Im not a big fan of those blade switches in both aesthetics and functionality, that and I'm not looking to do a whole lotta pickup blending anyway. So my thinking is to wire the 3-way toggle like this: UP=Neck Jazzmaster MIDDLE=Hum/Bridge Jazzmaster DOWN=Humbucker. Then I can utilize my volume to roll off the humbucker when in the middle position to get the sound of an isolated Jazzmaster Pickup from the bridge if I wish to do so.

And yes, I still wish to keep and utilize the Jazzmaster's Rhythm Circuit located in the body's upper horn.

So, as I stated. It's essentially a stock Jazzmaster, with a humbucker and extra pots modded in. Since I'm not very experienced in coming up with my own wiring or in the means of modding my electronics. So if anyone knows a way I can go about wiring up this guitar or if they know of a preexisting or can whip up a diagram for my situation, please let me know!

Thanks, Rob L.

*To Mods/Admins if this is in the wrong section in the forum, please feel free to move it*
What you're asking for looks to be the way 3 pickup Gibsons are wired, so have a look for diagrams for those. The toggle works and looks like a standard one from the front/top, but has extra contacts.
Fat Pete said:
What you're asking for looks to be the way 3 pickup Gibsons are wired, so have a look for diagrams for those. The toggle works and looks like a standard one from the front/top, but has extra contacts.

Ya know, I didn't even think of that! Haha thanks. I'll give that a look. Thank you