
conversion 7 string neck.


Hero Member
a 7 string fretboard (with the usual things to go with) on a usual 7 string neckblack, but with a 6 string HEEL, so it can fit a 6 string guitarbody. a small part of the fretboard will hang over the body (the upper bout), but thats not a big problem.

the bridgeroutings and pickup routings should be for 7 strings aswell.

that way you can make a 6 string body into a 7 string. I want a 7 string les paul, but W. just don't make them...
Sounds like a nice idea, though it could be complicated to actually make. The bridge might also have to be repositioned as the 7-string necks are a different scale length.

Maybe it would be easier to rout a 7-string neck pocket on a 6-string body than to make a modified neck...

Actually I had a similar idea; I was thinking about asking Warmoth if it would be possible to do a 5-string bass neck pocket on a 4-string body (and the appropriate bridge & pickup routs,) as I think a 5-string Thunderbird would be awesome.
Jeremiah said:
Sounds like a nice idea, though it could be complicated to actually make. The bridge might also have to be repositioned as the 7-string necks are a different scale length.

Maybe it would be easier to rout a 7-string neck pocket on a 6-string body than to make a modified neck...

Actually I had a similar idea; I was thinking about asking Warmoth if it would be possible to do a 5-string bass neck pocket on a 4-string body (and the appropriate bridge & pickup routs,) as I think a 5-string Thunderbird would be awesome.
just put a 7 string nut and headstock on a super wide neck, if you look up the super wide necks which i guess are for people with huge fingers or that play classical guitars. it does exactly what orpheo describes.

great idea orph but i think warmoth isn't too interested in persuing more 7 string stuff, still it is a very great idea. a clever machinist/programmer can get this done in a matter of hours so long as existing fixtures can be used. i don't know about warmoths procedures and methods though it may take more work than that. i wonder though if a super wide could be modified to a 4x3 patern with reasonable string alignment, or if a custom headstock could be ordered on a superwide?