
Contoured Heel Question


Hero Member
So, I've been GASsing for this unfinished body in the showcase. It's exactly what I've been waiting for, but the only problem is that it doesn't have a contoured heel, which I really want.

Is it possible to get the heel contoured on a body in the showcase if it doesn't have it already? Or do I have to be (more) patient for the body I want to show up in the showcase with the heel already done?

Updown said:
Needs a Turbo Deluxe Floyd said:
I'd say no because they tend not to do neck pocket mods post production.  No 720 mod or contoured heel once it leaves the CNC table.
+1 Correct  :icon_thumright:
I once tried to get a Contoured heel done on a un-finished Showcase Strat body before getting the finish put on.

The answer to that was NO, as stated above, something about the CNC machine can't do that afterwards.

From another thread. Looks like my answer is to be patient.
They also won't add tummy cuts to bodies. As I recall, it was because Showcase bodies are sanded smooth to be (more or less) "finish ready", and they won't do anything that would require re-sanding.
I have had two bodies from the showcase routed for the .720 mod that did not have it to begin with. one body was finished and one was not. it was simply an upcharge.

thats why i would think they would do heal rout. but I could obviously be wrong.
MikeW said:
Updown said:
I once tried to get a Contoured heel done on a un-finished Showcase Strat body before getting the finish put on.

The answer to that was NO, something about the CNC machine can't do that afterwards.

From another thread. Looks like my answer is to be patient.
No need to be patient, the answer is NO can't be done on a showcase body.
Was a reply from them earlier this year to me.

But if your ordering a Custom build, you have many options of choice.
In showcase item of choice it has 'Select Options' section ie: Pickup rout / jack rout etc
Have NEVER seen the option to get a 'contour heel' from an unfinished body from the showcase. 
I would bet that the ability to have custom work done on showcase items varies depending on the current factory workload & holiday schedule.
But when I got my reply of NO
They said it couldn't be done because of the CNC machine

Here is the reply ...
Sorry, this is not possible…. We can only add the Contoured heel at the time of initial construction, after the top is routed we lose the index to rout the back.

It was back on the 24th of march 2011 .....