
Congratulations to Ryan our graphics guy!


Hero Member
He and his wife just had a baby!

Please welcome baby Eva! 8lbs 3oz! :binkybaby:

Pfft. He probably just photoshopped some stock image of a baby into some pics. I mean, he IS the graphics guy.

Or, of course...
Congrats, Ryan! Is this his first child?
Max said:
Pfft. He probably just photoshopped some stock image of a baby into some pics. I mean, he IS the graphics guy.

Maybe his wife too!  :icon_jokercolor:

Congratulations Ryan! I hope your wife and child are doing very well. Welcome to fatherhood. One of the best things you can do for a child, is love her mother.


A little girl!!!  Make sure you buy a double barrel shotgun for when she gets a little older, they are more intimidating than a single barrel when the boys come knocking at the door!!!

Here is to going grey before your time!!!!

In all seriousness, I hope mom and baby girl are healthy and all went well!!!  Parenthood is the most rewarding guessing game you will ever play!

God bless you all!!
Parenthood is the most wonderful adventure.
The pain and suffering (yes there is pain and suffering) will far surpass your wildest expectations.
However, the joy and love will be even greater.
May your daughter bring to your family (at least) as much joy and happiness as our daughter has brought to ours. (We were so happy with our first, we decided to "order" a second.)
All my best wishes to the mother, and to the proud new father.
I hope you have a happy family, free of illness.

AND you must teach her guitar before age 7. Or else.


AutoBat said:
glad i'm not the only person to read 8lbs and compare it to a body wood weight

Only if the baby were made of solid Purpleheart...

Egads, what am I thinking.  Congratulations!