
Confounded P-rails! Or, my misadventures in soldering


Senior Member
As the subject leads on, I recently bought a pair of p-rails for my PRS Swamp Ash Special (HSH pickup array) (I know, it's not a W, boo!).  I happened upon a spare push-pull pot from another project (probably my first mistake) to substitute for the standard volume pot, resulting in 2 push/pull pots and a 5-way blade switch.  I promptly wired up the p-rails per SD's suggested "all 4 sound" schematic, re-strung and discovered that not only did I wire the outer pickups backward to the switch, I had also broken loose the middle pickup, and wired the tone cap to the hot lug of the volume pot instead of the ground...

tl;dr  I think I fried one or both of the push-pull pots so I need replacement parts. 

What I was thinking, was to take the stock wiring:
-strat-style 5-way +coil tap for humbuckers

And with no exterior mods to this modestly expensive guitar with modestly decent resale value, go to:
-PRS-stlye 5-way blade +middle pickup on/off push/pull, and maybe a treble bleed while I'm in there

Any thoughts?  I know this will reduce the total number of sounds available, but the ones it will provide I feel will be ideal for most playing situations I can think of.  If I didn't care about eventually selling this guitar, I'd break out my dremel and add another 3-way blade, ala PRS 513 to provide, well, 13 different sounds, but 10 or so isn't too shabby either.
I thought about the triple shots when I got the pickups, I just can't justify spending $50 on some tiny switches and a bit of plastic...
Overdue update

Yes I did get them working.  Turns out there's a shunt between both sides of one of the push-pulls that was missing and giving an inconsistent ground.

In retrospect maybe the Triple shots would have been better if for nothing else than having less than 5,000 wires inside the control cavity, stuff kept brushing against other stuff, grounding out this and shunting that.

Anyway, the tone: Fabulous!  Great humbucker tone, chimey p-90, and ...acceptable Strat (meh, who really needs that when you've got p-90s though?).  I've got the middle pup wired out-of-phase (on purpose, honest...) which gives great variety for distorted sounds.

...Now to hunt down a MM 5 string pup with dog-ears for my Traben...