
Color shift paints


Junior Member
While you offer a tremendous number of quality finishes, I sure would like to see a few color-shift options.  I'm partial to the Purple-Green (Mystic) combo that was available on the MusicMan JP6 guitars.  I can get the spray can color shift paint from companies like DupliColor and Rustoleum (among others), but my home-sprayed job would look nothing like your professionally sprayed bodies.

Do you see this on the horizon?
There have been some flip-flop colors in the showcase at various times in the past.  So it's in the realm of possibility.  Of course, someone at Warmoth (Gregg? Wylie?) could weigh in on the likelihood of a return of those colors.

good luck!

Warmoth does do "Chameleon" finishes, just not often.

The option used to be in the showcase, but apparently they've removed it from the finishes list. :icon_scratch:
Slow mover so we haven't been stocking them in the Showcase. Around $310 gets a chameleon (flip-flop) finish on your body.
Thanks, Gregg, for responding.  Since the "flip-flop" finish isn't described on Warmoth's site, can you tell me which color combinations you offer?
Any chance on getting the purple/black? 

That might be something for a future strat project. :icon_thumright: